
August 2015 Board Meeting

Meeting held in the Mukilteo City Hall council Chambers on August 26, 2015.  Meeting called to order at 7:04 p.m. 

Minutes from July board meeting were reviewed.  A typo was corrected, and the minutes were approved. 


Reports –  

Treasurer distributed copies of the monthly treasurer report, the July bank statement, and the budget comparison.  Member-at-large verified the checking and savings book registers.  Treasurer pointed out that recent mailing resulted in 5 delinquent homeowner sending in their payments.  Signatures were obtained on a check to cover the cost of printing reminder letters.


Old Business

Picnic Point Preservation Committee – Regatta Estates HOA received a “Thank you” note from Emily Mydynski.

Detention Pond – annual maintenance was completed by Terrestrial Landscaping.  Maintenance was skipped by management company in 2014.  Board members who inspected site reported that it is the best that it has ever looked.  Terrestrial Landscaping reported that they were able to clear more since the water level was down.  They recommended that future work be scheduled for late summer each year.  Treasurer created a spread sheet showing maintenance activity each year since 2008, and checking off maintenance projects demanded in 2008 letter from Snohomish County Public Works – Surface Water Management Department. 

Brush Clearing on Tract 993 – previously done by tree companies.  However, one of these companies mentioned that they are booked with tree removal, and have little time remaining for brush removal projects.  Job was done by Brush Monster.  They brought in a small Kabota backhoe with a brush cutting attachment.  Unfortunately, their tractor can not be used on hills, only flat ground (such as along Picnic Point Rd).  Treasurer pointed out that cost from Brush Monster was far less than previous contracts, and recommended that they be contacted directly for future jobs.  Contact information for Brush Monster available on the receipt (which is on file in our records. 

Tree Trimming on Tract 987 – per request from three homeowners, five trees were trimmed.  Treasurer pointed out that most tracts along Picnic Point Rd are not labeled as NG/WHPA (Native Growth/Wildlife Habitat Protection Areas).  Service performed by Kenny Tree Service 

Mowing of the common areas – Done by Terrestrial Landscaping.  Currently, REHOA does not have a contract for mowing, but rather will hire this landscaper on an individual job basis.  The advantage of this is that we can set the time interval between mowing, and can skip mowing during the dry season.  One homeowner in Division 5 requested that we include part of his property in the mowing.  Board members pointed out that we were only mowing common areas and not privately owned grass areas.  Homeowner also requested that the flower beds be trimmed.  Board members pointed out that this contract was for mowing only, and that the all flower beds would be part of the next job.

Brush cleaing around stairs – Tract 995  – Also done by Terrestrial Landscaping.

Baseline Arborist report – Treasurer met with Jennifer Wells of Washington Tree Experts on 8/12/15, and drove around the 6 common areas.  We requested a bid for a baseline report.  Bid was received on 8/18/15, and was sent out to the rest of the board.  Board approved expense and Wash. Tree Experts were commissioned to perform the study.  The study will be done on September 15th and 16th, and we should have the report by the following week.


New Business –


ACC request from Lot #72 – New owner sent email requesting permission to build a decorative metal fence on the front of his property, and permission to stain the new fence that separates his property from Picnic Point Rd.  ACC rules do permit a front fence as long as it is four feet or less in height.  Rules specifically mention that wire and chain link fences are not allowed, except for pet enclosures.  Currently, there are not directions as to staining fences.  Board secretary offered to check with building contractors to determine what treatments may enhance the fences.

Lot 23 – Treasurer contacted our lawyer to see if there was any legal action the neighbors or the HOA could take.  He replied that only the legal owners could take any action, and that they were not required to do so.  However, if we can locate the bank holding the mortgage, we could contact them and ask them to replace the locks. The treasurer reached out to a friend to see if they could assist us in determining the bank holding the mortgage. 

2015 General Meeting – Treasurer has requested the Mukilteo City Hall council chambers for a November meeting.  According to REHOA bylaws, notice of meeting needs to be sent to all homeowners at least 20 days prior to that date.  Board members were asked to determine if they would continue their presence on the board.  REHOA Bylaws direct that half of the members should remain for the next year, to insure continuity on board.  The other half of the board membership is to be elected from the remaining HOA membership, including anyone who was on this year’s board.

Next board meeting – Board reviewed the calendar and suggested October 7th for the next meeting.  The treasurer will check on availability.


Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.



July 2015 Board Meeting

Meeting held at Mukilteo City Hall council chambers on July 23, 2015.  Meeting called to order at 7:02 p.m.

Minutes from the June board meeting were reviewed.  One correction regarding fence replacement projects (changed “submitted” to “completed”) was made.  Minutes were approved with this correction.

The Picnic Point Preservation Committee attend this meeting and explained their past achievements in postponing the Frognal Estates development.  They also covered their current challenges and time frame.  The committee is concerned with landslide and safety concerns, increased water run-off, decreased property values, and increased traffic and congestion on local streets.  The committee stated that the only hope of blocking the development is to file appeals, and this will cost a substantial sum.  Representatives noted that an additional $19K is needed in September.  She urged all members to make it clear that publicity, feedback, and support from local residents are of paramount importance.



Treasurer distributed copies of the July treasurer’s report, the June bank statement, and the budget comparison report.  Board president verified that the checking and savings passbook balances were the same as those in the reports.  Board members reviewed the small number of homeowners who are past due, and discussed how to best address this issue.  A check was signed to cover the cost incurred in sending out the intent-to-lien letters.  The treasurer report that two copies of the letter were sent to each of the home owners involved.  One by certified mail, and one by regular mail. 


Old Business:

Insurance – Treasurer reported that the cost of insurance on our physical structure (fences, signs, mailboxes, etc.) has increased.  The second payment for 2015 will put us over the budgeted amount.  He noted that we will need to increase this on the 2016 budget.

 No Parking Signs – Signs have disappeared from cul-de-sacs in Division 1 and in Division 4.  Board president said that he would follow up with the county.

 ACC violations – Board agrees to follow up with homeowner brought these issues to our attention at the June board meeting.  Specifically, the board will inquire as to what documentation he has made.  Photographic proof of violations will be needed when the issues are brought to the attention of the property owners.

 Friendly Reminder Letter – Secretary plans to revamp the “friendly reminder letter” about neighborhood etiquette and CC&R regulations.

Landscaping –  Three bids were obtained for the maintenance on the detention pond and for maintenance on the stairs.  Terrestrial Landscaping was notably less expensive and board approved their bid for the jobs.

 Brush clearing on Tract 993 – bids were solicited from three tree services.  Kenny Tree sub-contracted this to Brush Monster and their bid was the lowest of the three.  It involved mechanically cutting brush, but not removal of debris.  Board agreed that, if necessary, we could hire out the removal of the debris at a later date.  Bid was approved by board at 8:06 p.m.

Tree trimming on Tract 987 – Bids on trimming the cottonwood tree, two alders and two maples were reviewed and awarded to Kenny Tree at 8:10 p.m.  Treasurer will contact vendors and arrange for the work to be scheduled.

 Tree issues – It is agreed that, based on information from the county and from our lawyer, an arborist must be hired to perform a base-line report of the overall condition of the trees in our common areas.  This report will be used to direct tree projects over the next few years.  This base-line report will need to be done again at regular intervals. Input from the arborist should help in determining the frequency for updating the report   The treasurer will contact arborists and obtain estimates on cost of an initial report.


Treasurer contacted Frank Scherf (Senior Environmental Planner for Snohomish County) regarding process for cutting or trimming trees in NG/WHPA.  He related that:

  • Procedure for obtaining permission from Snohomish County is not on-line
  • Ownership of property on which tree is situated must be established
  • To determine if a tree is considered hazardous, homeowner needs an evaluation by a qualified tree arborist.  Report needs to specify is tree can be trimmed or if it needs to be totally removed.
  • Armed with this evaluation, homeowner should contact Alan Husby (Snohomish County – 425-388-3311, Ext. 2063) to determine cutting procedure and replacement ratio.
  • Homeowner needs to contact a licensed and bonded tree service to perform work.

Mr. Scherf noted that the county does not oversee all cutting projects.  However, if anyone complains about as project in a NG/WHPA, having followed these steps will protect a homeowner.


New Issues –


Homeowner tree – A homeowner in Division 1 has contacted board, requesting permission to cut a tree on her property.  Since the tree is on her property, and the location is not in a NG/WHPA, the board had no objections.

PPPC Support – The treasurer noted that we have reserves that the HOA can draw from to make a contribution.  Board votes at 8:16 p.m. to support the PPPC financially.  The discussion then raised on how to best rally REHOA residents and raise awareness.  Board members suggest a flyer with four bullet points:  traffic, property values, safety, and peace of mind.  The flyer should also give notice of the next PPPC meeting.  This should best be done by walking door-to-door.  Again, making noise is important:  send emails, editorials, etc.

Date for August meeting – It was suggested that arrangements could be made for a board meeting on August 26th and for a general meeting on November 4th or 11th.  Dates can be reserved up to three months in advance.  However, all Mondays and most Thursdays are already reserved for City Council activity.  City Hall employees also noted that reservations on Tuesday can be bumped at the last minute if the Monday night meeting of the Council spills over and needs additional time.  Treasurer will visit Mukilteo City Hall and report on what dates are available.


Meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m.






June 2015 Board Meeting

Meeting held at Mukilteo City Hall council chambers on June 18, 2015.  Meeting called to order at 7:02 p.m.


Minutes from the May 20 board meeting approved.


Homeowner Forum:  Homeowner from Division 1 voiced concerns about the lack of an architectural control committee, citing an excessing number of cars parked in Division 1, questionable paint colors for homes.  Homeowner stated that he did not want the neighborhood turning into a “junkyard.”  He inquired about the proper protocols.  More specifically on the parking concern, he believes there is more than one family living in a single home in Division 1, and has observed how the No Parking signs in the cul-de-sac have disappeared.  It is mentioned that perhaps the best way to approach this issue is by noting it is a fire concern, as well as a significant obstruction for the garbage trucks.  It is agreed that the county needs to be contacted about the missing signs.


The question of whether the board should send a “blanket” letter to all homeowners, regarding parking, animal control, yard up-keep and paint etiquette is raised.  Additionally, the notion of potentially putting parking notices up in Division 1 specifically for the garbage truck concern is discussed (but not finalized).


All in attendance agree that the blanket letter should remind owners that in order to submit a new paint color, they should email the ACC control via the HOA address or email account.  The proposed letter should reiterate that all the rules regarding parking, expectations for yards, pet noise, etc. are universal and require everyone to abide by them for the mutual benefit of all.  The board agrees that it will draft a letter to all homeowners, while the individual homeowners agreed to contact individual agencies about parking and animal control.


The homeowner also mentions concerns about noise, odors, and rodents in a nearby house.  The board requested that he contact Animal Control directly, documenting his concerns (with photos).  The board also feels it is necessary to contact the owner (landlord) of this home to inform them of suspicions that more than one family is dwelling in his home, that dogs are creating excessive odors and noise, and dog waste is attracting rodents.


The board asked the homeowner if he would like to head the ACC, to which he accepted.


Another homeowner reported concerns about trees on the adjacent common area (tract 987) to his property.  He was asked to point out the tree so the board can acquire bids to remove or prune the trees.  He also has a fence inquiry and was directed to the options for companies to acquire bid and how to submit them to the board.


The board voted to invite the alternative board member (elected at the 2014 general meeting) to take an open position on the board.  The secretary stated that he would contact this member.

Treasurer Report:  Treasurer distributed copies of the June treasurer’s report, the May bank statement, and the budget comparison report.  Current balances on the passbooks were verified.  Late dues and lien concerns are discussed, noting that two homes should have had liens applied last year.  The intent to lien letters have been drawn up, and a motion to approve send said letters is approved at 8:22 p.m.  A motiong to approve the cost of contact a lawyer to file the liens was approved at 8:29 p.m.


Old Business


Fences:  Two new fences adjacent to Picnic Point Rd have been completed.


Tree Issues:  The insurance company reviewed the current REHOA policy for removing trees.  They stated that they feel the current policy in place does not leave the HOA exposed.


New Business


Treasurer requests approval for expense to purchase dirt to fill tire tracks made on Tract 986.  Former landscaping company submitted a bid of $750 to perform this repair.  Treasurer felt that sufficient dirt could be purchased for approximately $50.  Motion approved at 8:24 p.m.


Treasurer requested approval to consult an arborist about current “at risk” trees.  Approved at 8:28 p.m.


Meeting adjourned at 8:32 p.m.


May 2015 Board Meeting

Meeting held at the Mukilteo City Hall on May 20, 2015.  Meeting called to order at 7:10 p.m.


Minutes from the April 29th board meeting were reviewed.  Corrections were suggested and approved at 7:11 p.m.




President reported that he had not heard back from the county on the sidewalk issue.  However, the treasurer reported that he had found county workers inspecting the area outside Division 4 earlier that day (May 20th).  The workers reported that repairs were something that would probably happen in the winter due to the current ADA obligations by Snohomish County.   However, the worker added that the sidewalk issue outside Division 4 may also be an ADA concern and commented that he would attempt to fast-track the request.


Treasurer distributed copies of the monthly treasurer’s report and the budget analysis report.  Due to the change of agents (from the management company back to the HOA), we did not receive an April 30 bank statement.  However, the treasurer had stopped into the bank and obtained the exact balances as of May 20th.  The checking and savings account balances were compared to the passbook figures and to the treasurer report.  The president viewd and confirmed that the balances were correct.


Treasurer reported that several annual dues checks were forwarded by last year’s management company.


Old Business:


Tree issues:  Treasurer reached out to six surrounding HOAs regarding tree issues, and we received response from four.  All confirmed that an arborist report was required to show that a tree was dead, diseased, or dangerous.  In addition, permission from the controlling government body was necessary in the case of Native Growth/Wildlife Protection Areas.  Some of the HOAs (such as Possession Bay) are part of Mukilteo.  As a result, permission from the city of Mukilteo was require.  Others, including Regatta Estates, are in unincorporated Snohomish County, and require permission from Snohomish County.  Snohomish county has the authority to issue a citation for illegal cutting of a “significant tree.  The fine is $5000 per tree per occurrence.  (A significant tree means a tree with a caliper of at least 10 inches.)


Most of the HOAs also pointed to the need to determine owner of the tree before any action is taken.  State law stipulates a fine of up to $5000.00 for removing a tree that does not belong to you.



The treasurer also contacted our insurance agent regarding our tree policy.  They admitted that they can only lend insight from an insurance perspective.  We forwarded current bylaw amendments and our questionnaire to them for review.  The most current REHOA policy on trees was approved on 11/07/07.  The question of which trees are on the homeowner’s property vs on common area is raised.


Delinquent accounts:  It was decided to create ledger accounts for all homeowners who are delinquent so that these can be supplied to any inquiries.  Later this year, ledger accounts for all homeowners will be created.


Cottonwood tree on Tract 987  – Treasurer met with homeowner to confirm the tree in question.  Next, he will contact three tree services to obtain bids for removal.


One homeowner had a request to build a deck (in Division 1).  This is classified as an ACC request.  It was agreed that, in absence of a Architectural Control Committee, the board will handle these requests.


Past Due Report – The questions was raised as to which home we place liens on?  It was agreed that, if they are making payments, the HOA will work with them.  If they are in bankruptcy, we will let that process carry out.


Secretary action item:  The Intent-to-Lien letter was orated and reviewed.  Follow-up with vice-president was mentioned as she was absent the last meeting and in charge of the landscaping.  She was also absent at this meeting.  Secretary will follow up again.  Option of purchasing a lawnmower was mentioned again.  If the vice president continues to be unavailable, we will put the subject of lawnmower purchase up to an e-mail vote.


New Business:


Board composed an item-by-item response to a rambling email sent by homeowner.  Board approved response at 8:13 p.m.


Meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m.





April 2015 Board Meeting

Held at Mukilteo City Hall on April 29, 2015,  Meeting was called to order at 7:06 p.m.   Minutes from the March 25, 2015 meeting were approved at 7:08 p.m.


The board president reported that he had spoken with a representative of the Snohomish County Maintenance Division regarding the concerns about the side walk at the entrance to Division 2, and at the school bus stop outside Division 4.  She said she has requested someone from the division to inspect the sidewalks but that it would be about a month before someone could take a look.  The question of how many trees need to be cut down is raised.  However, it is agreed that a decision would be hasty until the county responds.


The treasurer distributed copies of the monthly treasurer reports, the 1st quarter bank statements, and the budget comparison report.  The secretary verified that the checking and savings passbooks balance correspond to the amounts given in the reports and to the listed in the monthly bank statement.  A check was signed to cover the domain name fee and website fee for the next two years.  The annual dues were discussed briefly.  A lower-than-normal percentage of home owners have sent in their payment.


The treasurer and the secretary visited the offices of the management company (from 2014) to collect all the documents and files in their possession.  Despite claims that the management company had not received our records from the 2014 board, scans of these records were included in the documents that were picked up.  However, the total records were far from complete.  While the 2014 budget listed the yearly the management company fee at $12,900, an audit of the financial records show that the management company actually made automatic withdrawals from our accounts in the amount $19,432.78.  Examination of the records from the management company do not break down the exact reason for these additional charges.  When the board asked about the charges, we were told that they were authorized by the contract signed by the 2014 REHOA president. The management company paid out an additional 19 checks in the amount of $15,185.38.  Of this, $12,234.00 was to the landscaping company.  Of the 2014 dues, all but $600 were spent.  This was less than one-third the amount that was budgeted for reserve funding.


The treasurer requested approval of the expense to send a reminder notice to the homes that have yet to pay their annual dues.  Motion was approved at 7:36.


Detention pond:  The annual maintenance on the detention pond was not performed in 2014.  The treasurer contact Terrestrial Landscaping and they indicated that they would be interested in resuming the work.  Terrestrial Landscaping bills on an hourly rate.  Thus, it is cost effective to do this work every year.


Landscaping Service:  At last month’s meeting, the vice-president indicated that she had contacts for a new landscaping company to mow the common areas.  The vice-president was unable to attend this meeting.  The secretary agreed to contact the vice-president and to follow up on the prospects for a new landscaping company.


A homeowner inquired about the procedure for re-painting a home.  She was directed to the Architectural Control Committee documents (available on the website).  It was suggested that she will want to discuss the color with her neighbors.  There is a place for the neighbors to sign their approval on the ACC request form.


Old Business


Fences:  At this time there are no inquiries regarding fences.  However, it was reitereated that the HOA is responsible for reimbursing half the cost of fences along Picnic Point Rd that separate the homeowners property from the common areas.


New Business


Trees:  The board members compited a list of questions to present to our attorney.  The main concern is finding the right policy that will keep Regatta Estates from getting sued in the case of a disaster.  A homeowner present asked if we had consulted other HOA on this topic.  The board agreed to reach out to the surrounding communities to see how they address the tree subject.  In addition, the treasurer will contact the insurance company to see if they have any suggestions to limit the HOA’s exposure.  Both of these will be done before members meet with our attorney.


A homeowner from Division 4 pointed out a Cottonwood tree on Tract 987 that needs to be addressed before it becomes too large.  The treasurer volunteered to solicit bids from tree services.


Liens:  The question was raised:  Is it was worth the $436 fee to pursue back-dues from home owners who are in arrears for over 1 year?  It is agreed that a letter needs to be composed that explains exactly why the dues really do matter.  The treasurer and the secretary agree to assume this matter.


Action Items:


President will follow up on sidewalk

Secretary will contact vice-president on landscaping

Treasurer will contact surrounding HOAs on tree policy

Treasurer will contact the insurance company regarding our current tree policy

Secretary and Treasurer will draft a reminder letter to delinquent homeowners.


Meeting adjourned:  8:37 p.m.


March 2015 Board Meeting

Held at Mukilteo City Hall (Community Room) on March 25, 2015

Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm.  Minutes from February 11 meeting were review, updated, and approved.

Treasurer distributed copies of March treasurer report showing all accounts, all checking and savings activity, as well as any outstanding checks.  Check book and savings book balances were reviewed and confirmed.  Treasurer also distributed budget analysis form, showing all line item activity for 2015: invoiced amounts, budget amounts, amount remaining for that line item,  as well as all revenue, and the number of homes involved.

Landscape Committee:  Board has approved the payments for March, April and May, but has also voted to terminate of the current landscaping contract.  Members will research replacement companies and board will decide on vendor for remainder of 2015.

Association taxes for 2014 have been filed.  Treasurer passed around copies of the 2013 and 2014 1120-H forms and noted that this form must be filed before March 15 each year.  While rather straight forward, it was pointed out that accurate and verifiable records of revenue and spending are required.

Fence Replacement:  Secretary reported that two homeowners are currently obtaining bids to have their fences replaced. Board discussed how to handle and approved these requests, as well as how to make payments to these homeowners once the job is completed.

Tree issues:  Board reviewed the current policy for cutting trees on REHOA property.  In addition to the need for contacting an arborist, it was pointed out that these tracts may be Native Growth Protection Areas.  As such, approval for cutting is required from the county.  Several questions were brought up as to determining ownership of trees, health of trees, as well as how to handle requests to trim trees that are not dead or dangerous.  It was suggested that we need to get these questions answered by the county, our insurance company, and our lawyer.  Members will forward a list of questions to the board president before the next meeting.  Questions about how to handle non-REHOA trees will also be included.

Board member volunteered to research who to contact with Snohomish County regarding damage to sidewalks.

Board reviewed upcoming calendar and elected meeting dates for next meeting.  Treasurer will check with Mukilteo City Hall to confirm availability of meeting room and email all board members.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.


February 2015 General Meeting

Held at Mukilteo City Hall (Council Chambers) on February 11, 2015

Meeting called to order at 7:03 pm

Member of board and homeowners were introduced.

Homeowner forum:  Concerns of falling trees were voiced, asking what actions can be taken.  The board noted that the trees that have recently fallen did not come from REHOA property.  Homeowners were encouraged to contact the neighboring developer, via an attorney, to remind said owner that they can be held liable if they are notified of dead or dangerous trees and fail to take action.  It was also suggested that an arborist be consulted, prior to contacting the attorney.

Minutes from the REHOA meeting held on 12/29/14 were approved at 7:14 pm.

Treasurer reported that new checking and savings accounts had been established and that the list of authorized signers had been updated.  Treasurer distributed copy of February treasurers report, showing current balances.  Treasurer also noted that, while the involvement of the management company would end on February 28th, there would be additional fees through the end of March.

Fence topic:  It was pointed out that most (but not all) of the fences along Picnic Point Rd. separate homeowner property from REHOA common areas.  In these cases, the cost of replacing the fence is a shared expense.  It was agreed that submitted costs need to be approved as soon as possible, and the homeowner needs to receive written or email approval.  In terms of treatment of fence finish, a debate ensued on whether or not to instigate a uniform finish for the sake of consistency.  It was noted that, even though the finish would be uniform, the wear would not, due to application at different times.  It was suggested that the contractors break out the cost for the UV protection.

The 2015 budget was reviewed line by line.  No objections were voiced from either the homeowners nor from board members.  One homeowner suggested the option for paying dues online, but board noted that our current system does not allow for this.  Additionally, the idea for two installments was reviewed but voted down.  Since the dues notices would be going out in February, a motion was made to push the due date back to May 15, 2015.  (Traditionally, the due date has been April 30th.)  Motion was approved.

Landscaping:  One homeowner raised concerns of visibility being partially blocked by vegetation.  It was noted that this is a safety issue for all five divisions.

Sidewalk issues:  Homeowner present states that the sidewalk is lifting in two divisions.  Board member volunteers to contact county to request repair.

Motion to adjourn from the public portion of the meeting is proposed and passed at 8:09 p.m.



January 2015 Board Meeting

Held at Mukilteo City Hall on December 29, 2014

Meeting called to order at 7:08 pm

Minutes from December 10, 2014 meetings approved.

Introductory topic:  Discussed correct amount of time for notice of new proposed budget.  Board agreed that 20 days was correct, and in compliance with the REHOA Bylaws.  Board agreed that mailing a notice was needed to inform homeowners of the meeting.   The notice would state that attendees would be invited to voice their opinions at the meeting.   A date of February 11 was agreed upon, and a post card mailer would be sent.  Cost for printing and mailing notices was approved at 7:27 pm.

The 2015 proposed budget was assembled, with the board reviewing each line item in the budget.  Board approved proposed budget.

Discussion of annual dues amount.  Some members expressed interest for including a buffer in the annual amount.  However, it was pointed out that most homeowners were upset with the 2014 dues, and that every attempt should be made to minimize the 2015 amount.

Members discussed the benefits of joining CAI, and one member offered to research the cost of joining.  Members were also asked to take note of any activity in their divisions, especially regarding home sales.  Board also discussed delinquent members and late fees.

Meeting adjourned at 8:44 pm




December 2014 Board Meeting

Regatta Estates Home Owners Association

Board of Directors Meeting

December 10, 2014

Mukilteo City Hall


Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM


Mintues from REHOA board meeting on 11_24_14 approved


Introduction of members and homeowner forum.  Previous board president lobbied to maintain relationship with current management company, then exited the meeting.


Representative from management company stated that rules were currently in the process of being drafted.


Bid for tree removal recently attained was reviewed.  Discussion ensued on whether it is the HOA’s responsibility to cover such expenses, with detail on what are limiting factors (property lines, whether the tree is dead, etc.).  It was agreed that an additional bid would be worth acquiring.


Mailbox repair issue discussed.  The question as to whether it was USPS responsibility or that of the HOA.


Question on records from previous board addressed.  Before leaving this meeting, the previous president stated that he had given everything to the management company.  However, the management company representative disputed this, saying she does not know where the old account information is, and that her company does not have need for such documentation.


Board Presidend confirms that the board will be terminating the contract with the current management company.  March 1, 2015 listed as the last day of working relationship.  Management company representative recommends to the board to become member of CAI (Community Associations Incorporated). She also informs board that the reserve study is required because of the contract that was signed on April 30, 2014 by the previous board president.  She advises to move forward with the study, as the cost is already partially paid.  To break the contract would mean the board lose the other half of the cost.


Board President proposes a motion to cancel the contract with the management company.  A roll-call vote followed and all present vote in favor.  Motion passed.


Website and lasndscaping contracts are reviewed.  Discussion of notice needed for termination of landscaping contract (30 days).  Board also agreed that it will terminate the website contract introduced by the management company, with the note that homeowners must be notified that it will be terminated.  Motion to cancel website contract as of 1-1-15 is approved.

Board opts to not have management company perform any additional manager inspections.


On the topic of updating the signers list, the management company representative stated that the list was up to date.  However, the current Board treasurer stated that he has met with a representative of BECU and she confirmed that the account signers had not been updated since 2013. 


Motion was proposed to change address of association mailbox.  Motion was approved.  Management company  was notified.  Board requested that the management company process check to the new mail service.


Management company representative confirmed that the Annual Report filing had been completed with the Secretary of State.  She also stated that she will reach out to the previous board to obtain documents and records.


Non-board members were dismissed from meeting.  Board continued with an executive session. 


Delinquencies are discussed, with the largest for $1488.00.  Question over whether the home this is linked to was sold in a person-to-person sale, or through a bank sale.


Board agreed that a late fee going back sixteen months would not be waived.  Further interest will not be applied.  Motion was approved.


Board discussed need to cancel mailer for the $483.50 dues for 2015.  Board agrees that, if the mailer cannot be cancelled, that a notice of void must be mailed out, followed by a notice for the 2015 budget6 meeting.


Meeting adjourned at 9:13 PM







November 2014 Board Meeting

Regatta Estates Board of Directors Meeting

November 24, 2014

Mukilteo City Hall


Meeting Called to order at 7:00 PM

Introduction of new board members

Minutes from October 2014 General Meeting approved


Introductory topic addressed concerns of yearly dues escalating significantly with little to-no noticeable in=mprovement of management.  Each member shared their individual opinions regarding what they’ve seen and what he/she would like to propose as the next course of action.


Board members agreed to solicit the opinions of the Regatta Estates community by submitting a notice, door-to-door, asking for feedback on how best to proceed.  Three options will be listed out to simplify the organization of opinions:  A)  Maintain the current management company, B)  Hire a new management company, C)  Return management to in-house style as in years prior.  The board secretary agreed to type up draft for Board to peruse by end of Wednesday, November 26.  Notice will request homeowners to e-mail responses by December 5th, with the preferred option listed in the subject line of e-mail.  Board members agreed to distribute notices in their respective divisions.


Board Vice-president agrees to approach former Board secretary for association records.


Board President agrees to e-mail management company representative to request:

  1.  A check written for Postnet to cover the expense for the association mailbox.  Motion approved by board for the $144.00 expense .
  2. Inform the management company representative that the Board has elected to abstain from reserve study for now.


Board agrees to remove former board members from list of authorized signers on association accounts.  A motion was proposed to add three members from current board as new signers.


President volunteers to act as the new agent on corporate papers.  Form to be completed and mailed to management company for payment.


Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.