
May 2015 Board Meeting

Meeting held at the Mukilteo City Hall on May 20, 2015.  Meeting called to order at 7:10 p.m.


Minutes from the April 29th board meeting were reviewed.  Corrections were suggested and approved at 7:11 p.m.




President reported that he had not heard back from the county on the sidewalk issue.  However, the treasurer reported that he had found county workers inspecting the area outside Division 4 earlier that day (May 20th).  The workers reported that repairs were something that would probably happen in the winter due to the current ADA obligations by Snohomish County.   However, the worker added that the sidewalk issue outside Division 4 may also be an ADA concern and commented that he would attempt to fast-track the request.


Treasurer distributed copies of the monthly treasurer’s report and the budget analysis report.  Due to the change of agents (from the management company back to the HOA), we did not receive an April 30 bank statement.  However, the treasurer had stopped into the bank and obtained the exact balances as of May 20th.  The checking and savings account balances were compared to the passbook figures and to the treasurer report.  The president viewd and confirmed that the balances were correct.


Treasurer reported that several annual dues checks were forwarded by last year’s management company.


Old Business:


Tree issues:  Treasurer reached out to six surrounding HOAs regarding tree issues, and we received response from four.  All confirmed that an arborist report was required to show that a tree was dead, diseased, or dangerous.  In addition, permission from the controlling government body was necessary in the case of Native Growth/Wildlife Protection Areas.  Some of the HOAs (such as Possession Bay) are part of Mukilteo.  As a result, permission from the city of Mukilteo was require.  Others, including Regatta Estates, are in unincorporated Snohomish County, and require permission from Snohomish County.  Snohomish county has the authority to issue a citation for illegal cutting of a “significant tree.  The fine is $5000 per tree per occurrence.  (A significant tree means a tree with a caliper of at least 10 inches.)


Most of the HOAs also pointed to the need to determine owner of the tree before any action is taken.  State law stipulates a fine of up to $5000.00 for removing a tree that does not belong to you.



The treasurer also contacted our insurance agent regarding our tree policy.  They admitted that they can only lend insight from an insurance perspective.  We forwarded current bylaw amendments and our questionnaire to them for review.  The most current REHOA policy on trees was approved on 11/07/07.  The question of which trees are on the homeowner’s property vs on common area is raised.


Delinquent accounts:  It was decided to create ledger accounts for all homeowners who are delinquent so that these can be supplied to any inquiries.  Later this year, ledger accounts for all homeowners will be created.


Cottonwood tree on Tract 987  – Treasurer met with homeowner to confirm the tree in question.  Next, he will contact three tree services to obtain bids for removal.


One homeowner had a request to build a deck (in Division 1).  This is classified as an ACC request.  It was agreed that, in absence of a Architectural Control Committee, the board will handle these requests.


Past Due Report – The questions was raised as to which home we place liens on?  It was agreed that, if they are making payments, the HOA will work with them.  If they are in bankruptcy, we will let that process carry out.


Secretary action item:  The Intent-to-Lien letter was orated and reviewed.  Follow-up with vice-president was mentioned as she was absent the last meeting and in charge of the landscaping.  She was also absent at this meeting.  Secretary will follow up again.  Option of purchasing a lawnmower was mentioned again.  If the vice president continues to be unavailable, we will put the subject of lawnmower purchase up to an e-mail vote.


New Business:


Board composed an item-by-item response to a rambling email sent by homeowner.  Board approved response at 8:13 p.m.


Meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m.