
February 2015 General Meeting

Held at Mukilteo City Hall (Council Chambers) on February 11, 2015

Meeting called to order at 7:03 pm

Member of board and homeowners were introduced.

Homeowner forum:  Concerns of falling trees were voiced, asking what actions can be taken.  The board noted that the trees that have recently fallen did not come from REHOA property.  Homeowners were encouraged to contact the neighboring developer, via an attorney, to remind said owner that they can be held liable if they are notified of dead or dangerous trees and fail to take action.  It was also suggested that an arborist be consulted, prior to contacting the attorney.

Minutes from the REHOA meeting held on 12/29/14 were approved at 7:14 pm.

Treasurer reported that new checking and savings accounts had been established and that the list of authorized signers had been updated.  Treasurer distributed copy of February treasurers report, showing current balances.  Treasurer also noted that, while the involvement of the management company would end on February 28th, there would be additional fees through the end of March.

Fence topic:  It was pointed out that most (but not all) of the fences along Picnic Point Rd. separate homeowner property from REHOA common areas.  In these cases, the cost of replacing the fence is a shared expense.  It was agreed that submitted costs need to be approved as soon as possible, and the homeowner needs to receive written or email approval.  In terms of treatment of fence finish, a debate ensued on whether or not to instigate a uniform finish for the sake of consistency.  It was noted that, even though the finish would be uniform, the wear would not, due to application at different times.  It was suggested that the contractors break out the cost for the UV protection.

The 2015 budget was reviewed line by line.  No objections were voiced from either the homeowners nor from board members.  One homeowner suggested the option for paying dues online, but board noted that our current system does not allow for this.  Additionally, the idea for two installments was reviewed but voted down.  Since the dues notices would be going out in February, a motion was made to push the due date back to May 15, 2015.  (Traditionally, the due date has been April 30th.)  Motion was approved.

Landscaping:  One homeowner raised concerns of visibility being partially blocked by vegetation.  It was noted that this is a safety issue for all five divisions.

Sidewalk issues:  Homeowner present states that the sidewalk is lifting in two divisions.  Board member volunteers to contact county to request repair.

Motion to adjourn from the public portion of the meeting is proposed and passed at 8:09 p.m.