
January 2015 Board Meeting

Held at Mukilteo City Hall on December 29, 2014

Meeting called to order at 7:08 pm

Minutes from December 10, 2014 meetings approved.

Introductory topic:  Discussed correct amount of time for notice of new proposed budget.  Board agreed that 20 days was correct, and in compliance with the REHOA Bylaws.  Board agreed that mailing a notice was needed to inform homeowners of the meeting.   The notice would state that attendees would be invited to voice their opinions at the meeting.   A date of February 11 was agreed upon, and a post card mailer would be sent.  Cost for printing and mailing notices was approved at 7:27 pm.

The 2015 proposed budget was assembled, with the board reviewing each line item in the budget.  Board approved proposed budget.

Discussion of annual dues amount.  Some members expressed interest for including a buffer in the annual amount.  However, it was pointed out that most homeowners were upset with the 2014 dues, and that every attempt should be made to minimize the 2015 amount.

Members discussed the benefits of joining CAI, and one member offered to research the cost of joining.  Members were also asked to take note of any activity in their divisions, especially regarding home sales.  Board also discussed delinquent members and late fees.

Meeting adjourned at 8:44 pm
