
January 2017 Board Meeting

Date:  January 11, 2017

Location:  Mukilteo City Hall

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.


HOA president called the meeting to order and opened the floor for the homeowner forum.  No homeowner asked to speak, and the president proceeded on to the reports from the officers and committees.


  • Treasurer:  The treasurer distributed copies of the January treasurer’s report, the December bank statement, the 2016 budget comparison, and the past due report.  A member at large confirmed that the register balances and report balances were the same.
  • Secretary:  The former secretary for the HOA has taken a new job, and will no longer be able to perform these duties.  The president asked for volunteers, and two board members said that they could share the duties.  The treasurer motioned that the two members be voted in as co-secretaries.  One of two will handle recording and distributing the minutes.  The second member will monitor the HOA email site.
  • Landscaping committee –  Moss removal on the stairs has been completed.  In addition, the landscaper has removed blackberries from the detention pond and performed clean-up on the entryways.
  • Architectural Control Commmittee – No new requests have been received from homeowners.
  • Arborist Committee – Homeowner email was discussed.  Committee discussed reviewing the Tree Policy published on the website.


Old Business:

  • Signers on HOA accounts:  The treasurer reported on visit to our bank and acquiring the necessary paperwork to update the signers for the association accounts.  One previous member is to be removed, and one new member is to be added.  Once all the signatures have been obtained, treasurer will deliver this to our bank, and the new signer will then stop by to supply the necessary personal information.
  • 2017 Dues Letters:  After the meeting is adjourned, the board members will prepare the 2017 REHOA dues letters for mailing.
  • Land Use Planning Appeal status:  Board members discussed the email from our attorney regarding the LUPA, as well as the current status of the project.

New Business

  • Expense approval for standard items (tax preparation, insurance, mail box rental, office expenses, state incorporation fee, website, etc.) was discussed and approved.  Individual approval will still be required for other expenses.

Review of Action Items

  • Individual members were reminded of their assignments.

Next Meeting

  • The next meeting is scheduled for March 15.  Once the room reservation has been confirmed, members will receive an e-mail.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m. and the board members spent the next 30 minutes preparing the 2017 dues notices for mailing.





December 2016 Budget Meeting

  • The December 2016 Board Meeting was held on Wednesday, December 7, in the council chambers at Mukilteo City Hall.  The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by the REHOA board president, followed by a brief homeowner forum.  The board secretary was not able to attend this meeting.  As a result, approval of the minutes from the October General Meeting was tabled until the next meeting.


  • Treasurer Report – The treasurer distributed copies of the December treasurer’s report, the October bank statement, and the 2016 budget comparison.  A member-at-large reviewed that bank statement and confirmed that the register balances were the same as those in the report.  The treasurer stated we can expect two more invoices before the end of the year.  In addition, the survey of HOA common properties has been completed and submitted to our insurance company.  While additional coverage could increase the HOA annual premium, our agent also suggested that we could increase our deductible.  Additionally, not all the common areas have to be insured.  Finally, there is no coverage available for underground structures.
  • The Landscape Committee – The vice-president reported that the landscaper is in the process of completing the final clean-up of the year.  In addition, our landscaper has proposed that he could remove moss and leaves from some common areas.
  • Architectural Control Committee – ACC chairman reported the one fence replacement which was approved in October has been completed.  There are no additional projects pending.
  • Arborist Committee – The arborist committee is still frustrated by the county planning division refusing to approve any tree cutting on NG/WHPAs, even on trees that have been labelled as hazardous by a certified arborist.  Responses from the county are being saved, and have been reported to the HOA insurance agent for our records.

New Business

  • Annual Audit – At the last meeting, the treasurer had proposed a two-year audit of HOA accounts and at that time the president had moved that this be postponed until after the 2017 taxes.  The topic was again opened by the HOA president, and confirmed that all present were in agreement on this timeline.
  • Authorized signers on HOA accounts – A motion was made to remove the former secretary as an authorized signer on HOA accounts.  A second motion was made to add a new member-at-large as a signer.  Both motions passed.  The treasurer will obtain the necessary documents to make these changes.  A copy of the minutes will be required by the bank to show that these changes were approved by the board.
  • 2017 Budget – The treasurer distributed work sheets that listed the expenses incurred by the HOA in sixteen separate line items.  Each item was discussed, including any changes that may alter the expenses for 2017.  While the amounts for several line items can be accurately forecasted, some are estimates such as tree removal and legal costs.  Once all the budget amounts were set, a motion was made to approve the budget and to set the 2017 HOA annual dues.
  • March Meeting – Board reviewed their schedules and set a tentative date for a March meeting.  One of the members-at-large will confirm availability of the room after January 1st.

Action Items

  • 2017 Dues Notices – The treasurer will print dues letters, budget notices, member account ledgers, address labels and stamps.  Board members will meet to assemble the mailing.
  • Bank documents – The treasurer will obtain the documents necessary to remove old signer and add a new authorized signer for the HOA accounts.
  • Meeting Room Reservation – The meeting room is already reserved for the January meeting.  Board member will contact Mukilteo City Hall on availability of the room for the March meeting.  Once confirmed, he will email all board members.

Next Meeting:  7:00 p.m. on January 11th at Mukilteo City Hall

Meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m.


October 2016 General Meeting

The 2016 Regatta Estates General Meeting was held on October 19, 2016 in the Mukilteo City Hall council chambers.  The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by the REHOA president.  He introduced himself, and then went around the room introducing all present.  The meeting minutes from the September board meeting were approved as written.

Member Forum – Homeowners spoke on the parking issues in Division 1.  Cars are being parked on the entrance street, creating a safety issue.  One resident described it as an “accident waiting to happen.”  Concern was expressed as how these cars will affect access by emergency vehicles, garbage trucks, and the postal deliveryman.  Suggestions were made for concerned homeowners to contact the Snohomish County Sheriff department, the Fire Department, and the Post Office.


  • Treasurer Report – Treasurer distributed copies of the October treasurers report, the September bank statement, and the 2016 budget comparison.  The HOA vice-president confirmed the register balances in the checking and savings account.  Treasurer pointed out that, looking at the budget comparison, the 2016 expense exceeded income.  Approximate five additional expenses are expected before the end of 2016.
  • Landscaping Committee – The landscaping committee review the projects completed in 2016, and complemented the work done by our landscaping.  Rather that a contract that invoices every month, work is contracted on an “as-needed” basis.  This results in considerable savings, especially during the summer months with most of the grass is dormant.  Committee discussed maintenance projects on the detention pone, tract 993, and the stairs in Division 4.  They proposed additional maintenance to the trees at the entrance to divisions 1 and 2.
  • Architectural Control Committee – The committee has received and approved the replacement on one fence along Picnic Point Rd.  The job should be completed before the end of the year.
  • Arborist Committee – Committee reviewed the status of trees on the common areas.  Since these areas are mostly designated as WH/NGPAs, county approval is required.  However, Snohomish County is refusing permission due to on-going legal appeals of a development.  Two homeowners also contacted HOA asking that the HOA remove hazardous trees.   The board reviewed both requests and determined that neither were on HOA property.  The first was on property owned the developer of Lot 1, while the second referred to trees on Tract 991, which was donated by the developer to Snohomish County in 1995, before the building began on Regatta Estates.

Action Items from Previous Board Meetings

  • Annual Meeting Notices – Postcard were sent out to all homeowner on September 28, and were received on September 30.  This is in compliance with the timeline listed the REHOA Bylaws.
  • Late Notices – Delinquent homeowners were sent notices including copy of their account ledger, including late fees and interest.
  • Board Tasks – In an effort to spread out the board responsibilities, one board member volunteered to take over as secretary.  A second members has volunteered to handle reserving the meeting rooms, pick up the key, and to show up early to unlock the doors on the day of the meetings.
  • Update with Insurance Agent – Our insurance company has requested a updated list of board members and a list of our common areas.  This was tabled until after the election of new board officers.  Treasurer will contact insurance agent with requested information.
  • Development appeal – The PPPC has filed an appeal with Superior Court in King County.  Appeal will be held on October 21st.

New Business

  • Audit of HOA Accounts – Treasurer suggest that we have an audit of all HOA accounts by an independent, third-party auditor.  Treasurer recommended an audit of two years (2015 and 2016).  He pointed out that 2014 was controlled by management company and that an audit of that year would be difficult. President proposed that this be delayed until after this year’s and next year’s HOA taxes are completed.
  • 2017 Board Members Two new at-large members were added to the board.  Existing officers agreed to remain in their current positions.
  • Budget Meeting – Board members agreed that the December 7th meeting should be used to set the 2017 REHOA Budget and the 2017 dues.  This will allow for the 2017 Dues notices to be sent out in early January of 2017.

Review of Action Items

  • Website– Treasurer will talk with homeowner who is experienced with website to see if she could assist with upgrades.
  • Landscaping Committee – They will meet with our landscaper regarding the leaves and the entryway cleanup.
  • Meeting Room Reservation – While the meeting room is reserved for December, it was suggested that we attempt to schedule a meeting for January 11th, 2017.   Member tasked with scheduling with contact Mukilteo City Hall and email all members.

Next Meeting:  7:00 p.m. on December 7, 2016 at Mukilteo City Hall Council Chambers.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.




September 2016 Board Meeting

On September 14, 2016, the board of directors met in the Mukilteo City Hall council chambers.  The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.  The minutes from the August meeting were approved as written.  No homeowners wished to speak.  As a result, the homeowner forum was closed without any further comments.

Treasurer’s Report – Copies of the September Treasurer’s report, August bank statement, and the September budget comparison were distributed and reviewed.  A member-at-large confirmed that the register and report balances were the same.  The delinquency report was reviewed, and plans for late letters were discussed.

Landscaping Committee Report – The committee reported on the mowing of the common areas, and the cleanup of the area inside and outside the detention pond fence.  The board ducussed future landscaping jobs, including fall cleanup of leaves and maintenance on Tract 993.

Architectural Control Committee Report – Committed reviewed and approved two paint requests.  Both jobs have been completed.  One board member asked if roofing replacement required an ACC form submission.  A second board member directed the group to the ACCs.  In particular, the section that discusses jobs that are pre-approved.

Arborist Committee Report – Committee emailed Snohomish County  PDS to again request permission to cut trees that were labelled as “hazardous” by the January arborist report.  On August 9th, the HOA received a response from the PDS that they would be reviewing our documents and that they should be back in touch with us in a day or two.  As of September 14th, they have not responded.

Action Items from Previous Board Meeting

  • Document Request – Documents requested by previous owner were delivered.  Previous owner signed document acknowledging receipt.  However, there was no confirmation that the documents were sent on to the new owners.
  • Trailer complaint – The HOA had received multiple complaints regarding two trailers parked in a driveway.  On August 8th, certified letters were sent to the homeowner informing them that this is a violation of the CC&Rs.  Both trailers have now been removed.

New Business

  • Insurance – The HOA has a new representative.  The board discussed coverages, including updating the declarations on common property: fences, entry signs, mailbox CBUs, stairs and hand-rails, detention pond and fencing.  The representative also requested a current list of the board members.
  • Task dispersal – Members discussed “sharing the wealth” when it came to board tasks.  A member at large volunteered to handle reserving the meeting room and picking up the key.  Members also discussed the need for a new secretary.  This was tabled until the election of new officers in November.
  • General Meeting – Members discussed the need to send out announcements of the annual meeting.  It was pointed out that the RCWs and the REHOA bylaws both specify a timeline for the announcement.  Members also discussed the reports and presentations, as well as who was going to stay on the board for 2017.
  • New CC&R violation – The HOA has received two complaints of CC&R violations.  One regarding a boat parked in a driveway.  The second involves a car parked on the street that has not moved in two weeks.  The board will send the appropriate letters to these homeowners.


  • The Action Items were reviewed.
  • The date for the December board meeting was scheduled.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.




August 2016 Board Meeting

The August, 2016 REHOA board meeting was held on August 3, 2016 at the Mukilteo City Hall council chambers.

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m.  The minutes of the May meeting were read and approved.  The floor was opened for the member forum but no one chose to speak.

Treasurer’s Report – The Treasurer distributed copies of the August Treasurer’s report, along with a copy of the June bank statement.  (The July statement should arrive in the next week.)  The board president confirmed the register balances for both the checking and savings account.  Copies of the 2016 Budget Comparison were distributed and reviewed.  The delinquency report was reviewed.

Landscaping Committee Report  – The committee reported that the third mowing and trimming of the common areas along Picnic Point Rd was completed.   Board commented about the overwhelming amount of dandelions in the grass areas.  Landscaping committee reported on maintenance in detention pond, including the removal of blackberry vines growing in the 6 inch space between the detention pond chain link fence and the back fence of an adjoining lot.

Architectural Control Committee Report – Committee reviewed the three ACC applications that were received and approved and discussed the ACC process and the turn-around time on applications.  The main concern was for homeowners to complete the form.  This requires that they obtain signatures from their neighbors, thus the neighbors know what is being done and how it may affect their properties.  Per the Architectural Controls, the HOA is required to review and respond within a two-week time frame.  This led to a discussion regarding the process for opening and responding to HOA emails.  All members were reminded that no one board member can speak for the association.  All responses require input and approval from a majority of the board members.

Arborist Committee ReportThe approval process for cutting trees on NG/WHPA tracts is currently on hold until the ongoing land use appeals are resolved. The committee contacted a supervisor of the Snohomish County PDS in March, 2016 and delivered copies of the 2016 arborist study outlining hazardous trees.  However, the county failed to respond.  After several additional contacts went unanswered, the Arborist Committee were able to contact another member of the PDS staff.  He took the requests to his supervisor and replied with a short email that the county still would not authorize the requested tree removal.  The board suggested that the committee continue to reach out to the county, and to document all contacts.  This could be used to show that the HOA continued to do its part in getting these hazardous trees removed.

Action Items from Previous Board Meeting

  • HOA Dues – Reminder letters were sent to all homeowners who are currently delinquent on the 2016 dues.  As a result, eight additional payments were received.
  • New Home Development – Board discussed the results of the Snohomish County Council review of the Hearing Examiner’s decision.
  • Violation Letters –  Letters were sent out to all homeowners, reminding them of their responsibility to uphold the CC&Rs, Bylaws, and Architectural Controls.  Three trailers were moved into the garages or removed from the area.
  • Fence Replacement Policy – The board member in charge of updating this policy was unable to attend this meeting.  The subject was tabled until the next meeting.

New Business

  • Document Request – The HOA received an email request from a real estate agent for copies of all of our records for the past two years.  The HOA attorney was contacted and stated that it is inappropriate to release any HOA documents to anyone who is not a current member of the association.
  • CC&R violation by new renter – A complaint was received from homeowners in Division 3 regarding the new tenants renting a home in that division.  The renters have parked two commercial trailers in the driveway.  The parking of any trailers is expressly forbidden by the CC&Rs.  A violation letter is being sent to the landlord.
  • Documents Recovery – Two boxes of REHOA documents were returned to Regatta Estates HOA by a condominium association in Kent.  Our former management company had labelled them as belonging to the HOA.  Similarly, REHOA had received tax documents and checks intended for the HOA in Kent.
  • Mailbox increase – The HOA received notice that the rates for our private mail box would increase in September.  However, this had been anticipated and the line item for Mail on the 2016 Budget had been increased to accommodate this.


  • The Action Items were reviewed.
  • A date was agreed upon for the next meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m.


May 2016 Board Meeting

Meeting was held at Mukilteo City Hall council chambers on Wednesday, May 4.  Meeting was call to order at 7:00 p.m.  The minutes from the March board meeting were approved as written.


Treasurer Report – Treasurer distributed copies of the May treasurers report, along with a copy of the March bank statement.  (The April statement has yet to arrive in our mail.)  A  member-at-large confirmed that the register balances for both the checking and the savings account were the same as those on the report.  Copies of the 2016 budget comparison were distributed and reviewed.  The delinquency report was reviewed.  After meeting with our bank representative, former signers have been removed and the new vice-president has been added as an authorized signer.


Landscaping Committee – The committee reported that the second mowing and trimming of the common areas along Picnic Point Rd was completed.  The committee will be contacting the landscaper to schedule the next mowing, as well as the maintenance on the stairs and the detention pond.


Architectural Control Committee – Committee reviewed one application for the removal of an existing rockery and the installation of a block retaining wall and stairs.  Homeowner had obtained signatures of neighbors indicating that they approved of his project and the timeline was consistent with the REHOA Architectural Controls.  Committee voted to approve application, and a letter will be sent to the homeowner.


Arborist Committee – The committee contacted Howard Knight of Snohomish County PDS on 3/04/16 and sent him an electronic copy of the 2016 arborist report.  When no response was received, a second email was sent on 03/21/16.  Again, no response.  A phone message was left on 4/1/16 asking Mr. Knight to confirm that he had received the report and asking for a timeline.  Again, there was no response.  The Arborist Committee called Planning and Development services on 04/18/16, and we were able to leave a voice message with Michael Braaten, senior site inspector for Snohomish County.  He returned our call on 4/21/16, and we were able to send him another copy of the report.  Via email, he confirmed that he had received it, and said that he would try to have an answer in the next day or two.  On April 27, we received an email from Mr. Braaten that said he had discussed this with Randy Sleight (Snohomish County chief engineering officer).  Mr. Braaten went on to say that “It was my understanding from the discussion Randy and I had that Snohomish County would not endorse the removal of any trees at this time due to pending Litigation on some adjourning parcels.  The arborist committee contacted the REHOA lawyer regarding our next course of action.



Action Items from Previous Board Meeting


Parking – Board reviewed on-going parking problem in Division 1 and Division 4.  Board member from Division 1 discussed safety issue related to the parking at the bottom of 133rd  and speeding by a young driver.



CC&Rs – A reminder letter had been sent to all homeowners in March.  Since the date of  this letter, two small trailers have been removed from driveways.  In addition, a homeowner who purchased a boat installed a “break-away” trailer hitch, and is storing the boat in his garage.  However, a second boat remains parked in driveway in Division 1, and board voted to send this homeowner a violation letter.


Development news – The Hearing Examiner has delayed announcing the results on the planned development adjoining our area.  Currently, his report is approximately 80 pages and is not complete.  The PPPC could not determine if this was good news or not.  The report now is anticipated around May 20th. – The HOA had been contacted by a homeowner from another development regarding this site.  Emails have been sent to an HOA member who is the site administrator for this area.



New Business



Annual HOA dues – Board reviewed the annual dues payments and approved the expenses for a reminder letter. 


Property lien – Board also approved the placing of a lien against the one homeowner who was delinquent for multiple years. 


Board approved the writing of a violation letter against homeowner who continues to have a boat parked in their driveway.


Fence Replacement Policy – The board approved the re-writing of the fence replacement policy to include the mandatory replacement of the support posts.



Board reviewed action items approved during meeting, and scheduled a date for the next meeting.


Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.


March 2016 Board Meeting

Meeting held at Mukilteo City Hall council chambers on Wednesday, March 2nd.  Meeting was called to order at 7:03 P.M.


Minutes from the January budget meeting were approved at 7:04.


Treasurer report – Treasurer distributed copies of the most recent bank statement to all members of the board.  This was compared to the monthly treasurer report that included all activity on since the last statement.  Vice-President confirmed that the register balances for saving and checking coincided with the amounts listed on treasurer’s report. 


Copies of the 2016 budget comparison was also distributed and reviewed.  Report lists all 2016 expenses, and shows the amount remaining in the budget for each of the line items.  Treasurer also reviewed the delinquency list, and reported that one homeowner had submitted payments to bring him current.  Under management company in 2014, there were 12 delinquent accounts.  Currently, there are 3.


The HOA Federal taxes were mailed on February 15th, and no additional amounts are due.  Treasurer reminded board that, since our fiscal year ends on December 31, our taxes must be submitted by March 15.


Corrected forms for updating the authorized signers were completed for a second time as there was an error on the previous document. 


The former management company sent a bundle of information to us erroneously.  It was supposed to go to Regatta at the Lakes in Kent.  A board member contacted the representatives of Regatta at the Lakes to confirm that these documents belonged to them, and then these were mailed to their office.  It was pointed out that the name and address was clearly evident on the documents.  Board members commented that this probably explains why we are still missing information from the time when the management company controlled our accounts.


Parking topic:  A hand-written complaint was received from a Division 1 homeowner whom complains about a large boat that continues to be parked outside.  The board agreed that a reminder letter should be mailed to all residents.  It will remind owners that boats/trailers parked outside are in conflict to the agreement everyone signed when purchasing their homes.  The letter will cite the CC&Rs and how they regulate parking in the cul-de-sacs. issue:  This website is used for neighborhoods to keep residents informed on pertinent activities and concerns.  It is intended to be similar to an online watch.   A homeowner has registered Regatta Estates on this website and listed herself as the administrator.  They also incorrectly listed streets that are not part of our neighborhood.  A resident from outside of Regatta Estates has sent us a letter asking that we correct this.  Unfortunately, the Regatta Estates HOA is not in control of this site, and has no way to make the requested corrections in boundaries.  A board member volunteered to compose and deliver a letter to the resident who listed themselves as the administrator.

New board member:  A resident has expressed interest in participating on the board.  The board members agreed to reach out and invite them to the next meeting


Fence replacement policy:  The plans from a recent fence request only showed replacement of the facing boards and stringers.  However, the homeowner did not want to replace the main support posts.  Since the support posts were 19 years old, board members felt that this would be a waste of association money.  However, the current fence policy does not require full replacement.  Board agreed that the fence policy needs to be updated.


Additional Committees:  Board members discussed the formation of a Landscaping Committee, whose duties would include contacting our landscaper and make arrangements for mowing of the common areas, clean-up of the entry ways, cleanup of the stairs, and detention pond maintenance.  A Tree/Arborist committed would continue with scheduling the arborist reports, submitting these to the county for approval, contacting tree services and obtaining bids, and proceeding with the removal of hazardous trees.  Members were reminded to document of each step of the process.


Board members discussed the best time for next meeting.  Wednesdays seems to fit with most members schedules.  One board member volunteered to check on availability of the council chambers and to email all board members.


Meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m.


January 2016 Budget Meeting

2016 REHOA Budget Meeting was held on January 6, 2016 in the Mukilteo City Hall council chambers.  Meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m., and the minutes from the November board meeting were approved at 7:05 p.m. 

Treasurer’s report:  The January treasurers report, copies of the last available bank statement, and the final version of the 2015 budget comparison were presented.  Since the November meeting, 2 more delinquent homes have been brought up to date.  Treasurer pointed out the progress that has been made during 2015: Of the 12 homeowners that were delinquent while the management company was in charge, 11 are now current.  Register balances were compared and were confirmed as identical to treasurers report.

2016 Budget:  A worksheet was presented that listed each individual expense anticipated for 2016.  Most were items carried forward from the 2015 budget.  However, new items, such a tree removal (per the arborist’s January 2016 baseline report) were anticipated.

During the discussion on the fence replacement, one member asked if it was worthwhile to offer a “maintenance incentive” program to split the cost of re-sealing existing fence boards every so often.  However, the cost of maintenance is difficult to assess.  In addition, since the re-sealing could not be made mandatory, the visual effect may not be desirable if some homeowners elected not to recoat.  Members agreed that a study may be in order that examines how frequently a fence is replaced versus how much that could be prolonged with occasional maintenance.  The study will ideally determine which is more cost effective.

During the discussion of mowing and brush removal line items, a member noted that we do not have an established schedule to performing all landscaping jobs.  It was recommended that a separate position or committee may need to be established to control the timing of all landscaping activities.

The 2016 baseline arborist study pointed out a number of trees that need to be removed.  A committee will need to be established to contact the county, obtain the necessary permits and approval, solicit contracts from licensed and bonded tree removal services, present these to the board for approval, and then sign the necessary contracts.

The 2016 budget was approved by a vote of homeowners at 7:50 p.m., and the 2016 annual dues were set.  While some line items were new for 2016, some old items were trimmed and the 2016 annual dues will remain the same as they were in 2015.

A proposed 2016 dues letter was reviewed.  Suggestions were made to improve wording.  Funding for the printing and mailing of the dues letters was approved.  In addition, the board approved several annual expenses such as insurance, tax preparation costs, annual incorporation filing with secretary of state, website and domain expanses and authorization to file lien releases.  While all expenses require prior board approval, these are known expenses.

The PPPCs ongoing fight was discussed. The public hearing is set for 6:00 p.m. on January 14, 2016 and members are encouraged to attend.  At that time, the public will be given the opportunity to give personal testimony on the development.

Fence request;  The board has received a request from a homeowner to replace their fence bordering Picnic Point Rd.  (Note:  these fences are currently 19 years old).  This homeowner only wants to replace the facing boards.  Twenty-two homes have already replaced their fences. However, in all cases, the support posts were also replaced.  Some homeowners voiced concern that replacing the facing boards was only a cosmetic fix and that the supports were unlikely to last another 19 years.  Thus, the HOA would be asked to expend additional funds to fix this fence again in the near future. 

A new authorized signer for REHOA bank accounts was approved.  A form was completed for removing a former signer and added the new signer.  Appointments will be made with our account representative at the bank.

Balance of duties:  It was noted that too many of the REHOA jobs in the hands of a few.  Concern was expressed that, should one of these board members be no longer able to perform the duty, the remaining members may not know how to carry on.  To better distribute responsibilities to more members, a list of job roles will be discussed by the board, either via e-mail or at the next meeting.  The next board meeting was tentatively set for 3-9-16.  (Note: due to room availability, this meeting was updated to 3-02-16)

Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.




November 2015 General Meeting

Annual meeting of all homeowners was held on November 11, 2015 in the council chambers of Mukilteo City Hall.  Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Minutes of October Board Meeting were submitted and approved at 7:02 p.m.

Year in Review:  The REHOA board president detailed changes that have taken place during the past year, including the termination of the contract with the management company, hiring of a new landscaping service, work on repair of damages sidewalk sections, research into managing our common areas, concerns about the proposed development of land next to Regatta Estates, and the re-installing of the Architectural Control Committee. 

Maintenance of Common Areas:  The Plat Dedications for Regatta Estates state tracts 986-990 and 992-996 are dedicates with an undivided interest to lots 1 through 78, and that these tracts will be maintained by said lots in perpetuity.  These tracts amount to over 534,000 square feet and most are listed by the county as WH/NGPAs (wildlife habitat/native growth protection areas).  As such, these areas are strictly controlled by the county, and permission must be obtained from the county before any work can be started.  During 2015, the board has been in contact with neighboring HOA and our attorney regarding the handling of common areas.  A baseline arborist study has been authorized for these areas.  This will be used as a starting point for the maintenance of these areas.  Additional arborist reviews will need to be scheduled in coming years.

On topic of PPPC:  Board members updated those present on the latest developments on hearing dates and how the debate in progressing.  It was reiterated that everyone needs to do their part to represent the number of individuals who are in opposition to this.

Nominations and elections:  One member from the floor agreed to be nominated as a member at large to the board for 2016.  The board members present also agreed to be nominated to serve on the board for 2016.  In a voice vote of the homeowners present, these members were elected to serve for 2016.  One member was nominated to act as vice-president, and she accepted the position.  Board officers were set for 2016.

Treasurer Reports:  Treasurer distributed copies of the November treasurer’s report, the October bank statement, and the 2015 budget comparison.  Register balances were checked against the monthly report and confirmed as accurate.  Discussion continued regarding the delinquent accounts.  While there were 12 delinquent accounts while we were under the management company, most have been brought up to date.  Suggestions were made as to how to resolve the remaining accounts.

Drainage Vaults:  A homeowner inquired about the maintenance of our drainage vaults and detention pond.  It was pointed out that maintenance was performed on at least one (and possibly all) of the vaults by the county.  Review of the financial records did not reveal any work contracted by the management company in 2014.  However, the REHOA did extensive maintenance on the detention pond in 2015.  A recommendation from our landscaper was for this work to be done in late summer.  At this time, the water levels in the pond area are the lowest, allowing for more effective and complete job. 

The date for the next meeting is set for January 6, 2016.


Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.


October 2015 Board Meeting

Meeting held at Mukilteo City Hall, in the city council chambers.  Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Minutes from August 26th board meeting were submitted.  Once change was noted.  Minutes were approved with this change.

Treasurer distributed the monthly treasurer reports, bank statement, and budget comparison.  Board president inspected the register balances and confirmed that they were the same as the monthly report balances.  Board discussed the members who are passed due.  Late fees and interest are assessed when dues are 30 days past due. Association bylaws allow for a lien to be placed on any home that goes over one year past due.  Costs associated with lien are added to the amount owed. 

Picnic Point Preservation Committee:  The board was informed by the PPPC that the hearing, scheduled for October 14th, has been delayed.  Concern was expressed that any new HOA may not be proactive and may not maintain a quality neighborhood.   Members are encouraged to write to county council members to express their concern about the proposed development.

Architectural Control Committee:  The ACC reported that the parking concerns in Division 1 have been partially resolved.  The county has re-installed the No Parking signs in the cul-de-sacs of Division and Division 4.  However, the sidewalk issues that were reported to the county have yet to be repaired.

Trees:  The PUD has contacted the association asking permission to remove two trees that were deemed dangerous.  Board members also met with association lawyer to discuss the HOAs common areas.  Since most of these areas have been classified as WH/NGPA (Wildlife Habitat/Native Growth Protection Areas) by the county, we must obtain permission from county before any work is initiated.  County will insist on report from licensed arborist.  Board had approved a comprehensive review by an arborist and this was initially scheduled for September 15th.  However, an hour after they were supposed to show, they sent an email stating that the August storms had overwhelmed them and they would have to reschedule.  Two additional meeting requests have been made by the REHOA board, but the company has failed to respond.  Board has decided to seek the services of a new arborist.

Landscaping:  The board has received positive feedback regarding the work of the current landscaping service.  Rather than a pre-scheduled time table, work is being scheduled as needed.  This offers significant cost advantages since work is not being done during non-growing months.  The down-side is that the landscaping committee will need to review status of areas and schedule work in advance.  The brush removal on Tract 993 was also discussed.  While area was cleaned, blackberry bushes have been seen growing back.  Our current landscaper has recommended spraying with an environmentally sensitive product.

Crime watch:  One board member mentioned a “next door neighbor” web service that involves local neighborhoods.  It allows people to post notices of illegal or suspicious activity online.

The 2015 General Meeting was discussed, and board members were polled as to who might be available to service for the 2016 years.  REHOA bylaws state that absence from 3 consecutive meetings can be construed as a resignation by the member from the Board.  Due to the inactivity of two current members, replacements will be needed.  Board reviewed available dates for use of the Mukilteo City Hall, and the November 11th date was selected for the 2015 General Meeting.  A motion was proposed (and seconded) to send postcard notices to all members.  These will be sent this week, to comply with the REHOA Bylaw requiring 20 days’ notice.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.