
January 2017 Board Meeting

Date:  January 11, 2017

Location:  Mukilteo City Hall

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.


HOA president called the meeting to order and opened the floor for the homeowner forum.  No homeowner asked to speak, and the president proceeded on to the reports from the officers and committees.


  • Treasurer:  The treasurer distributed copies of the January treasurer’s report, the December bank statement, the 2016 budget comparison, and the past due report.  A member at large confirmed that the register balances and report balances were the same.
  • Secretary:  The former secretary for the HOA has taken a new job, and will no longer be able to perform these duties.  The president asked for volunteers, and two board members said that they could share the duties.  The treasurer motioned that the two members be voted in as co-secretaries.  One of two will handle recording and distributing the minutes.  The second member will monitor the HOA email site.
  • Landscaping committee –  Moss removal on the stairs has been completed.  In addition, the landscaper has removed blackberries from the detention pond and performed clean-up on the entryways.
  • Architectural Control Commmittee – No new requests have been received from homeowners.
  • Arborist Committee – Homeowner email was discussed.  Committee discussed reviewing the Tree Policy published on the website.


Old Business:

  • Signers on HOA accounts:  The treasurer reported on visit to our bank and acquiring the necessary paperwork to update the signers for the association accounts.  One previous member is to be removed, and one new member is to be added.  Once all the signatures have been obtained, treasurer will deliver this to our bank, and the new signer will then stop by to supply the necessary personal information.
  • 2017 Dues Letters:  After the meeting is adjourned, the board members will prepare the 2017 REHOA dues letters for mailing.
  • Land Use Planning Appeal status:  Board members discussed the email from our attorney regarding the LUPA, as well as the current status of the project.

New Business

  • Expense approval for standard items (tax preparation, insurance, mail box rental, office expenses, state incorporation fee, website, etc.) was discussed and approved.  Individual approval will still be required for other expenses.

Review of Action Items

  • Individual members were reminded of their assignments.

Next Meeting

  • The next meeting is scheduled for March 15.  Once the room reservation has been confirmed, members will receive an e-mail.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m. and the board members spent the next 30 minutes preparing the 2017 dues notices for mailing.