
December 2016 Budget Meeting

  • The December 2016 Board Meeting was held on Wednesday, December 7, in the council chambers at Mukilteo City Hall.  The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by the REHOA board president, followed by a brief homeowner forum.  The board secretary was not able to attend this meeting.  As a result, approval of the minutes from the October General Meeting was tabled until the next meeting.


  • Treasurer Report – The treasurer distributed copies of the December treasurer’s report, the October bank statement, and the 2016 budget comparison.  A member-at-large reviewed that bank statement and confirmed that the register balances were the same as those in the report.  The treasurer stated we can expect two more invoices before the end of the year.  In addition, the survey of HOA common properties has been completed and submitted to our insurance company.  While additional coverage could increase the HOA annual premium, our agent also suggested that we could increase our deductible.  Additionally, not all the common areas have to be insured.  Finally, there is no coverage available for underground structures.
  • The Landscape Committee – The vice-president reported that the landscaper is in the process of completing the final clean-up of the year.  In addition, our landscaper has proposed that he could remove moss and leaves from some common areas.
  • Architectural Control Committee – ACC chairman reported the one fence replacement which was approved in October has been completed.  There are no additional projects pending.
  • Arborist Committee – The arborist committee is still frustrated by the county planning division refusing to approve any tree cutting on NG/WHPAs, even on trees that have been labelled as hazardous by a certified arborist.  Responses from the county are being saved, and have been reported to the HOA insurance agent for our records.

New Business

  • Annual Audit – At the last meeting, the treasurer had proposed a two-year audit of HOA accounts and at that time the president had moved that this be postponed until after the 2017 taxes.  The topic was again opened by the HOA president, and confirmed that all present were in agreement on this timeline.
  • Authorized signers on HOA accounts – A motion was made to remove the former secretary as an authorized signer on HOA accounts.  A second motion was made to add a new member-at-large as a signer.  Both motions passed.  The treasurer will obtain the necessary documents to make these changes.  A copy of the minutes will be required by the bank to show that these changes were approved by the board.
  • 2017 Budget – The treasurer distributed work sheets that listed the expenses incurred by the HOA in sixteen separate line items.  Each item was discussed, including any changes that may alter the expenses for 2017.  While the amounts for several line items can be accurately forecasted, some are estimates such as tree removal and legal costs.  Once all the budget amounts were set, a motion was made to approve the budget and to set the 2017 HOA annual dues.
  • March Meeting – Board reviewed their schedules and set a tentative date for a March meeting.  One of the members-at-large will confirm availability of the room after January 1st.

Action Items

  • 2017 Dues Notices – The treasurer will print dues letters, budget notices, member account ledgers, address labels and stamps.  Board members will meet to assemble the mailing.
  • Bank documents – The treasurer will obtain the documents necessary to remove old signer and add a new authorized signer for the HOA accounts.
  • Meeting Room Reservation – The meeting room is already reserved for the January meeting.  Board member will contact Mukilteo City Hall on availability of the room for the March meeting.  Once confirmed, he will email all board members.

Next Meeting:  7:00 p.m. on January 11th at Mukilteo City Hall

Meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m.