
October 2016 General Meeting

The 2016 Regatta Estates General Meeting was held on October 19, 2016 in the Mukilteo City Hall council chambers.  The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by the REHOA president.  He introduced himself, and then went around the room introducing all present.  The meeting minutes from the September board meeting were approved as written.

Member Forum – Homeowners spoke on the parking issues in Division 1.  Cars are being parked on the entrance street, creating a safety issue.  One resident described it as an “accident waiting to happen.”  Concern was expressed as how these cars will affect access by emergency vehicles, garbage trucks, and the postal deliveryman.  Suggestions were made for concerned homeowners to contact the Snohomish County Sheriff department, the Fire Department, and the Post Office.


  • Treasurer Report – Treasurer distributed copies of the October treasurers report, the September bank statement, and the 2016 budget comparison.  The HOA vice-president confirmed the register balances in the checking and savings account.  Treasurer pointed out that, looking at the budget comparison, the 2016 expense exceeded income.  Approximate five additional expenses are expected before the end of 2016.
  • Landscaping Committee – The landscaping committee review the projects completed in 2016, and complemented the work done by our landscaping.  Rather that a contract that invoices every month, work is contracted on an “as-needed” basis.  This results in considerable savings, especially during the summer months with most of the grass is dormant.  Committee discussed maintenance projects on the detention pone, tract 993, and the stairs in Division 4.  They proposed additional maintenance to the trees at the entrance to divisions 1 and 2.
  • Architectural Control Committee – The committee has received and approved the replacement on one fence along Picnic Point Rd.  The job should be completed before the end of the year.
  • Arborist Committee – Committee reviewed the status of trees on the common areas.  Since these areas are mostly designated as WH/NGPAs, county approval is required.  However, Snohomish County is refusing permission due to on-going legal appeals of a development.  Two homeowners also contacted HOA asking that the HOA remove hazardous trees.   The board reviewed both requests and determined that neither were on HOA property.  The first was on property owned the developer of Lot 1, while the second referred to trees on Tract 991, which was donated by the developer to Snohomish County in 1995, before the building began on Regatta Estates.

Action Items from Previous Board Meetings

  • Annual Meeting Notices – Postcard were sent out to all homeowner on September 28, and were received on September 30.  This is in compliance with the timeline listed the REHOA Bylaws.
  • Late Notices – Delinquent homeowners were sent notices including copy of their account ledger, including late fees and interest.
  • Board Tasks – In an effort to spread out the board responsibilities, one board member volunteered to take over as secretary.  A second members has volunteered to handle reserving the meeting rooms, pick up the key, and to show up early to unlock the doors on the day of the meetings.
  • Update with Insurance Agent – Our insurance company has requested a updated list of board members and a list of our common areas.  This was tabled until after the election of new board officers.  Treasurer will contact insurance agent with requested information.
  • Development appeal – The PPPC has filed an appeal with Superior Court in King County.  Appeal will be held on October 21st.

New Business

  • Audit of HOA Accounts – Treasurer suggest that we have an audit of all HOA accounts by an independent, third-party auditor.  Treasurer recommended an audit of two years (2015 and 2016).  He pointed out that 2014 was controlled by management company and that an audit of that year would be difficult. President proposed that this be delayed until after this year’s and next year’s HOA taxes are completed.
  • 2017 Board Members Two new at-large members were added to the board.  Existing officers agreed to remain in their current positions.
  • Budget Meeting – Board members agreed that the December 7th meeting should be used to set the 2017 REHOA Budget and the 2017 dues.  This will allow for the 2017 Dues notices to be sent out in early January of 2017.

Review of Action Items

  • Website– Treasurer will talk with homeowner who is experienced with website to see if she could assist with upgrades.
  • Landscaping Committee – They will meet with our landscaper regarding the leaves and the entryway cleanup.
  • Meeting Room Reservation – While the meeting room is reserved for December, it was suggested that we attempt to schedule a meeting for January 11th, 2017.   Member tasked with scheduling with contact Mukilteo City Hall and email all members.

Next Meeting:  7:00 p.m. on December 7, 2016 at Mukilteo City Hall Council Chambers.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.