
November 2015 General Meeting

Annual meeting of all homeowners was held on November 11, 2015 in the council chambers of Mukilteo City Hall.  Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Minutes of October Board Meeting were submitted and approved at 7:02 p.m.

Year in Review:  The REHOA board president detailed changes that have taken place during the past year, including the termination of the contract with the management company, hiring of a new landscaping service, work on repair of damages sidewalk sections, research into managing our common areas, concerns about the proposed development of land next to Regatta Estates, and the re-installing of the Architectural Control Committee. 

Maintenance of Common Areas:  The Plat Dedications for Regatta Estates state tracts 986-990 and 992-996 are dedicates with an undivided interest to lots 1 through 78, and that these tracts will be maintained by said lots in perpetuity.  These tracts amount to over 534,000 square feet and most are listed by the county as WH/NGPAs (wildlife habitat/native growth protection areas).  As such, these areas are strictly controlled by the county, and permission must be obtained from the county before any work can be started.  During 2015, the board has been in contact with neighboring HOA and our attorney regarding the handling of common areas.  A baseline arborist study has been authorized for these areas.  This will be used as a starting point for the maintenance of these areas.  Additional arborist reviews will need to be scheduled in coming years.

On topic of PPPC:  Board members updated those present on the latest developments on hearing dates and how the debate in progressing.  It was reiterated that everyone needs to do their part to represent the number of individuals who are in opposition to this.

Nominations and elections:  One member from the floor agreed to be nominated as a member at large to the board for 2016.  The board members present also agreed to be nominated to serve on the board for 2016.  In a voice vote of the homeowners present, these members were elected to serve for 2016.  One member was nominated to act as vice-president, and she accepted the position.  Board officers were set for 2016.

Treasurer Reports:  Treasurer distributed copies of the November treasurer’s report, the October bank statement, and the 2015 budget comparison.  Register balances were checked against the monthly report and confirmed as accurate.  Discussion continued regarding the delinquent accounts.  While there were 12 delinquent accounts while we were under the management company, most have been brought up to date.  Suggestions were made as to how to resolve the remaining accounts.

Drainage Vaults:  A homeowner inquired about the maintenance of our drainage vaults and detention pond.  It was pointed out that maintenance was performed on at least one (and possibly all) of the vaults by the county.  Review of the financial records did not reveal any work contracted by the management company in 2014.  However, the REHOA did extensive maintenance on the detention pond in 2015.  A recommendation from our landscaper was for this work to be done in late summer.  At this time, the water levels in the pond area are the lowest, allowing for more effective and complete job. 

The date for the next meeting is set for January 6, 2016.


Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.