
December 2020 Board Meeting

The December 2020 meeting of the Board of Directors of Regatta Estates was held online. While the meeting was scheduled for 6:30, there was a slight delay due to a technical issue with the meeting audio, The meeting was called to order by the board president at 6:38 p.m.

Homeowner Forum: Since no homeowners chose to speak, there was no Homeowner Forum at this meeting.


  1. Treasurer’s report: The treasurer had email all board members copies of the December treasurer’s report, a copy of the November 30, 2020 bank statement, and a copy of the budget comparison report. The treasurer had also emailed the board vice-president a scan of the current page of the checking account register and the current page of the savings account register. She confirmed that the amounts listed on the registers corresponded to the amounts listed on the report as the adjusted statement balance. As we approach the end of the year, the treasurer confirmed that we came in under budget, and, as of December 17, the association had received the same number of dues payments as we had for all of 2019.
  2. Landscaping Committee: Committee reported that the mowing of common areas has ended for 2020. Mowing is expected to resume in April of 2021. Entryway cleanup continued in November and December. Committee pleased with the current landscaping company, and would like to continue with them in the next year.
  3. Architectural Control Committee: Committee has not received any new applications in the past three months. The committee expects this to remain slow until spring.
  4. Arborist Committee: Committee had a certified arborist perform an inspection of all six of the common areas owned by the HOA. The arborist found 60 trees that he deemed hazardous. The HOA submitted the report to Snohomish County via their online application, and requested that the county confirm receipt of the application. To date, the county has not confirmed that they received the documents, nor have they contacted the committee with a time for a review of the arborist’s report.

Old Business

  1. Reminder letters: The annual HOA dues are normally to be paid by April 30th. In May or June, reminder letters are sent to those who failed to make the deadline. However, due to the unique situation that we are in this year, the board agreed to accept the January amounts through the end of the year. Reminder letters were sent to homeowners reminding them that, if they did not take advantage of this offer, the late fees and interest would be applied to the amounts, starting with the original April 30, 2020 date.
  2. Website: The webmaster announced that they were able to include a new category this year for the Architectural Controls. While not the original format, it does allow the revisions to the Architectural Controls to be published and made available to all of the homeowner. The webmaster also added directions for resetting the site should issues occur with the roll-out of the updates issued by the hosting company.
  3. Taxes: The treasurer has been monitoring the interest and has determined that this should not be an issue when calculating the 2020 federal taxes for the HOA.

New Business

  1. Refi and home sales inquiries: The board has received a large number of inquiries from escrow companies who are assisting homeowners go through the refinance process. While most companies are quite helpful, one escrow company demanded that we confirm limits on thier liability. There is nothing in our CC&Rs nor could we find anything in the RCWs on homeowner associations that mention any such limitation. The board was also harassed by a realter who insisted that the HOA create a special documents for his client. While he would not submit any samples of what he was looking for, he continued to insist that the board supply his client with these documents. Note: The board routinely completes “demand statements” that outline the homeowner status with the HOA, and any financial issues that a new homeowner should know. The board agreed that we may need to obtain an opingion from the hoa attorney.
  2. Roll-over of some 2020 dues: In compliance with the Internal Revenue Ruling 70-604, the treasurer proposed that any surplus funds from 2020 be rolled-over and applied against the expenses of 2021. The members unanimously approved the proposal.
  3. Budget: The treasurer presented the 2021 budget worksheet which included the expenses from the past four years. The members discussed each line item in the budget and reviewed the requirements for 2021. The members votged to accept the final draft of the 2021 budget, and the 2020 roll-over funds were applied. The 2021 REHOA dues will be $350.00, and the due date will be April 30, 2021.
  4. Pre-approval of Standard Expenses: REHOA bylaws require b oard approval for all expenses. In order to streamline the expense process, the treasurer proposed that the board pre-approve some common expenses, including the monthly landscaping expenses, fees for stairway and detention pond maintenance, 2020 federal tax preparation fee. website fees, the HOA insurance payments, state incorporation fee, mail box rental fee, and office expenses. The motion was passed unanimously.
  5. Proposal to update the REHOA signers: In order to maintain a form of dual control on all checks, the treasurer is not allowed to sign any checks. Other members of the board are registered with the bank as signers. The treasurer proposed the the association update the list of signers by removing former signers who are no longer on the board, and adding the board president as an alternative signer. Motions was approved unanimously by the members.

Action Items

  1. The treasurer will send out the 2021 dues letters
  2. The arborist committee wil contact Snohomish County again regarding the committee request to remove trees deemed hazardous in the 2020 arborist report.
  3. The list of signers on HOA accounts will be updated.
  4. A board member will contact the REHOA attorner for clarification on questions posed by excrow and real estate representatives.

Next meeting: February 4, 2021, at 6:30 p.m., online via Zoom.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.