
July 2013 Board Meeting Minutes

REHOA Board Meeting Minutes

Date:  July 15, 2013

Location:  Online

Treasurer’s Report

  1. Distributed copies of the June bank statement, July treasurer’s report, the past due report, and the 2013 comparative budget analysis.
  2. Reminder notices for unpaid annual dues were sent to homeowner’s on June 11th.  Six homeowners paid, plus a partial payment from a seventh who indicated they would pay the remaining $150 by the end of July.  In addition, a house with unpaid dues was sold and we recovered all dues owed (see item #4).  This leaves 10 homeowners, plus a partial, owing $2650.00.
  3. As a follow-up to a prior board-approved motion, the treasurers met with Tina at BECU on June 17th to file the request to block online banking for BECU accounts.
  4. Follow-up with escrow company:  Before the June meeting, a detailed report had been submitted to the escrow company handling the close of a home on which the REHOA had filed three liens for dues owed.  On June 18th an e-mail was sent to the escrow company for an update; no response received.  On July 1st a phone call was made to the contact name of record (the escrow assistant), and a voicemail was left asking for an update on the status of the sale; again, there was no response.  Another call was made, this time asking for the escrow closer, who confirmed they mailed a check on June 18th.  The check was mailed to a PO Box in Mukilteo, not our PMB address.  The company placed a stop payment on that check, and mailed a new one.  Good news:  This check has been received, and included back dues for eight years, late fees, interest, and the legal costs associated with liens.

Lessons learned:  Keep good records, be persistent, and follow-up.

Landscaping Report

  1. The REHOA lawnmower has a cracked bracket that supports the deck housing.  Our landscaping volunteer is attempting to make repairs that would suffice for this season.  However, a decision will have to be made for a permanent repair or replacement of the mower.  Replacement parts would run about $700.00.  The current mower was purchased in 2004.  Board discussed options and voted to explore replacing the mower.
  2. The current volunteer suggested that we review options for continued mowing.  While he is not giving his notice, he suggested that we check into the costs for having our landscaping contractor mow the common areas.  Before purchasing a new unit, we will need to explore options for storing, and maintaining the mower.
  3. At a previous meeting, a member-at-large volunteered to be the landscaper liaison.  They met with the landscaper to determine which projects our landscaper would like to bid on.  In addition to the maintenance of the entryways, we may employ him to do maintenance on the detention pond system.

Detention Pond Status

  1. A spread sheet was created showing status of the thirty points (assigned to the REHOA   by Snohomish County Public Works – Surface Water Management).  This spread sheet was e-mailed to all board members for review.
  2. REHOA contacted the engineer who will review progress and assess strategy for future management.

New member

  1. The landscaping volunteer agreed to join the REHOA board as a member-at-large.  He has been providing a tremendous service over the past 8 years in mowing the common area lawns.  In addition, he has serviced and maintained the REHOA mower.  As a board member, he can provide valuable information on the mower.  He would also act as a liaison to the board about issues from divisions 3, 4, & 5.

Real Estate Company Request

  1. The REHOA has received an e-mail via the “contact us” option on the website, from the real estate agents handling the sale of an REHOA property.  They requested copies for the past two years of all HOA meeting minutes, all board meeting minutes, and financial statements.
  2. While we have had numerous REHOA homes sell during the past seven years, this is only the second time agents that have requested this information.  When the treasurers asked them to explain why all of this information was needed by a realtor, they said it was part of a contract signed by the seller and the real estate agent, and is part of the multiple listing service standard contract.
  3. We may see more of this type of request in the future.  Lessons learned:  Keep accurate records and continue to post all meeting minutes on HOA website.  (The treasurers are working on posting past minutes onto the website.  Once there’s a history of two years, the real estate agents can access these themselves, and will only need to ask that the financials be supplied.  They seem to be satisfied with the comparative budget analysis in lieu of balance sheets and profit and loss statements.  Please note:  The approved annual budgets will be posted for membership and all other interested parties to review…not the comparative data that shows actual revenues and expenses.

Traffic Calming Devices

  1. As a follow-up to a prior meeting discussion, a board member checked with Snohomish County on how to control speeding on Picnic Point Rd.  One option was the installation of traffic calming devices.  These may take the form of speed bumps and/or roundabouts.  The first step is the submission of a letter showing neighborhood support. Further discussion is needed on how best to accomplish this task, and will be a topic of discussion at the August board meeting.  Complete information on the traffic calming program can be found at:

June 2013 Board Meeting Minutes

Date:  June 8, 2013

Location:  Mukilteo City Hall

Meeting called to order by board president promptly at 9:00 a.m.  Minutes from previous meeting were read and approved.  No additions, deletions or edits required.


Treasurer’s Report

  1. Copies of the June treasurer’s report, the May bank statement and the budget analysis statement were distributed, discussed, and questions answered.
  2. Escrow statement regarding home for sale was reviewed.
  3. REHOA dues were reviewed. Reminder letters were discussed, and a final format approved.  Treasurer will prepare letters and mail them.
  4. Board member manuals were distributed.  All board members were asked to review the information they contain and forward suggestions, additions, or deletions.


  1. The board discussed and approved a change to the frequency of entrance and park cleanup, based upon the remaining 2013 budgeted funds.  Our liaison will meet with the landscaper, and discuss a summer and fall cleanup, as well as maintenance to the detention pond area, and the overgrown grassy/sod areas in Division 1.
  2. Areas for brush and tree removal were discussed:  trees in tract 992 below entrance to Division 1, cul-de-sac on 133rd Place in Division 2, tract 990 in Division 2, stairway in Division 4, roots raising sidewalk at school bus stop in Division 4, and tree leaning over roadway above Division 5.  A board member has volunteered tol obtain bids for this work from the tree removal company we have used in the past.

Fencing Issues 

  1. Fence Policy was posted to the REHOA website:  www.regattaestates.comIt was suggested that this document be updated to include directions on submitting requests for fence replacement.
  2. Three fences on Picnic Point Rd have been replaced in 2013.  Work was performed by Superior Fence Co
  3. The treasurer will update the Fence Policy document to include this company as an approved option; wording will be reviewed by the board prior to posting on the website.


  1. Domain name and hosting rights for two years have been procured, and the website shell has been established.  The “Contact Us” link was used by the escrow company to transmit information on a recent sale.
  2. Board members were asked to review the site and suggest additions and improvements.


  1. In order to preserve dual control on our financial accounts, it was suggested  that the association prohibit online banking on all REHOA bank accounts.  This motion was proposed, and passed by unanimous vote.  A document outlining this motion was signed by all REHOA signers.  The Treasurer will take this document and meeting minutes to the bank to update records.
  2. Documentation for adding and removing signers to the REHOA accounts has been added to the REHOA manual.  With the upcoming vacancy of one of our members, we will need to remove her as a signer and add a replacement.   All board members approved this action.


New Members – New members were welcomed to the board as members-at-large.

Assignment of Duties – In the past, many of the REHOA board responsibilities were handled by members who are no longer on the board.  It was suggested that these tasks be reviewed and reassigned:

  1. The current board president announced that her renters have moved, and her home is going on the market soon.  Once sold, she will no longer be on the board.  Per the REHOA Bylaws (Article VI, section H), vacancies on the board can be filled by a two-thirds vote of the board.  The current vice-president was nominated to fill this position.  His nomination was confirmed by a unanimous vote.
  2. The president will be the liaison with the REHOA attorney, Jon Hatch.
  3. The president will send out the agenda before each meeting.
  4. The secretary will record the minutes of the meetings, adding these minutes to the REHOA records, and sending a copy of the minutes to board members for review.  The webmaster will post these on the website.
  5. The secretary will monitor the REHOA email account giving the board updates regarding emails and replies made.  The secretary will forward financial-related questions to the treasurer.  For questions requiring specific answers (not covered by stock responses), the secretary will consult with all board members as the secretary shall not be burdened with responding to questions on their own.
  6. The treasurer will send out notices for annual dues and pick up the mail, including dues payments.  Additional keys to the REHOA mailbox are held by the president and secretary, as a backup.
  7. The treasurer will record all dues payments and make all bank deposits.
  8. The treasurer will make arrangements for meeting room at the Mukilteo City Hall, and will pick up the keycard the day before the meeting.
  9. A member at large will act as the contact person with the REHOA landscaper.  They will receive assistance from other board members, as requested/needed.
  10. Members at large will be voting members at all board meetings and can volunteer for any task, and/or assist other members with their duties.  In this position, a board member will prepare a letter to Snohomish County regarding speeding and safety issues on Picnic Point Rd, to include mention of increased traffic due to the new county park at the wastewater treatment plant.  All board members will review and give any input prior to the letter being sent.
  11.  The board was offered a member’s engineering expertise and knowledge regarding the detention pond and underground vaults issues.

Review of Action Items:

  1. The treasurer will send out reminder notices to homeowner’s who have yet to submit their 2013 REHOA dues.
  2. Letters will also be sent to homeowner’s in violation of boat and trailer restrictions.
  3. Invitations will be sent to two homeowners who indicated interest in the board.
  4. The treasurer will send all board members a status report on the 32 point letter from the Snohomish County regarding Surface Water Management and the maintenance of our detention pads and underground detention vaults.
  5. The president will send the treasurer a copy of her stock response for Fence Requests.
  6. The secretary will contact their neighbor regarding address of homeowner.  Once obtained, the treasurer will re-send 2013 dues letter.
  7. All board members are asked to do a walk-about of the REHOA properties, and note areas of interest for our Five-Year Plan.  Additionally, be ready to suggest other topics of interest that should be covered in this plan.  For example, developing the idea of a “welcome packet” for new REHOA homeowners.
  8. All board members were asked to review options for fence landscaping.
  9. The president will set date for next meeting, and send out the invitation.  This meeting’s focus will be the Five-Year Plan.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:35 a.m.


May 2013 Board Meeting Minutes

REHOA Meeting Minutes – May Board Meeting


Date:  May 16, 2013

Location:  Online

Treasurer’s Report:

  1. Copies of the May Treasurer’s Report, the most recent bank statement (April 30, 2013), and the Budget Analysis were distributed.
  2. 2013 Dues Report:  Dues have been received and deposited from 57 homeowners.
  3. A “reminder letter” was discussed for mailing in early June.  Copies of a rough draft were distributed for review.

 Bank Signers:

  1. We met with Tina at BECU and have updated the list of signers on the REHOA accounts.
  2. Procedure was documented to REHOA records so that we will be better able to make changes in the future.
  3. Treasurer was added as an agent to the accounts.  This will allow the treasurer to transfer funds between existing REHOA accounts and to request account balances.
  4. Treasurer is not allowed to be a signer.  This insures dual control on association accounts.

Online Banking:

  1. Treasurer pointed out that online banking would negate dual control on REHOA accounts.  A motion was proposed to prohibit online banking on all REHOA accounts.  Motion passed.
  2. Tina at BECU outlined procedure:  The REHOA would need to supply BECU with a copy of the minutes showing approval of this action.  In addition, we would need to supply BECU with a letter requesting this action.  The letter would need to be signed by all authorized account signers.

Association Website:

  1. We secured the domain name ( and web-hosting (for two years) at a special price.  We are documenting procedure for future payments so that we continue to hold the rights to the domain name, and to insure that the site remains active.
  2. Site is up and documents are being routinely added.  Board will be discussing additions to the site.

Fence Replacement:

  1. Two homes have completed fence replacement in 2013.
  2. Three additional homes have bids from fence replacement companies, and may be submitting requests to REHOA.
  3. Past president had personally handled requests.  Board will be discussing the process at the June meeting, and establish how we want to go forward.


Next Meeting:  June 8, 2013, at Mukilteo City Hall







March 2013 Board Meeting Minutes

REHOA Meeting Minutes – March Board Meeting


Date:  March 5, 2013

Location:  Board vice-president’s home



Minutes from January Budget meeting were reviewed and approved.  No updates.


Treasurer’s Report: 

  1. Copies of the Monthly Treasurer’s Report, the most recent bank statement (February 28th), and the 2013 Budget Analysis were distributed.
  2. Checking and Savings account balances and register balances were verified.
  3. Updated Past Due report was reviewed.
  4. 2013 Dues report:  15 dues received, plus payment from previous year.  This past   due payment included late fees and interest.


Board Officer Positions:

  1. Steve and Susan M. have sold their home and will be moving out of the association.  This will create two open positions on the board:  president and secretary.
  2. Per the REHOA Bylaws, the current vice-president, Mardi E., will now become the board president.
  3. Bruce D. nominated Jeff D. to be the new vice-president.  Nomination received unanimous approval.
  4. Jeff D. nominated Julie B. to be the new secretary.  Nomination received unanimous approval.
  5. Bruce and Beverly D. will continue as the co-treasurers.


Account Signers:

  1. It was proposed that Julie D. and Julie B. be added as signers to the REHOA accounts.
  2. Bruce and Beverly D. will research the procedure for removing former signers and adding the new signers.


Association Website:

  1. The board identified re-establishing the website as a high priority need to help with communication to home owners in all matters.
  2. Board will research possibility of re-activating site.  If this is not possible, a new site will be created.  Expenses for this have been allocated in the 2013 budget.


2013 Budget:

  1. The current budget was discussed.
  2. Biggest current needs are landscaping and fences.


Future topic: 

  1. It was decided that the next meeting should be used to review the current 5 year plan and to identify specific areas to address in the next five-year period.

February 2013 Board Meeting Minutes

REHOA Meeting Minutes – February Board Meeting


Date:  February 20, 2013

Location:  Online


Treasurer’s Report:

  1. Copies of the monthly Treasurer’s Report, the most recent bank statement (January 31, 2013), and the Budget Analysis were distributed.
  2. 2013 dues have been received and deposited from 11 homeowners.
  3. One 2012 dues payment was received.  This payment included the late fee and interest, and was entered into the Budget Analysis statement as “Other Revenue.”


Dues Letters for 2013:

  1. Dues letters were sent out to homeowners on January 23rd.
  2. Personalized letters were sent out to homeowners who owed from previous years.  These letters had a breakdown of the total owed:  dues, late fees and interest.
  3. Three letters were returned, marked by the Post Office as “Unclaimed, unable to deliver.”  They had been addressed to the names of record with the Snohomish County Auditor’s website.  Letters were resent and addressed to Regatta Estates Homeowner.


Cleanup of Entryways:

  1. Our landscaping company will be cleaning the division entrances in March.
  2. Trees along sidewalks need trimming.  Request will be forwarded to landscaper.
  3. Suggestion was made to have service performed three times a year, versus one big cleanup. While still remaining within the budget, this would provide ongoing maintenance and a cleaner appearance.


Board of Directors Operations Manuals:

  1. Original manuals containing all the REHOA documents, lists and maps had been distributed to all board members.
  2. Request was made to update and replace manuals.  This was approved by all board members.


Subjects for Discussion at Next Meeting:

  1. Five-Year Plan
  2. Landscaping
  3. REHOA website
  4. Updating the list of signers on accounts
  5. New board members







January 2013 Budget Meeting Minutes

Location:  Mukilteo City Hall

Date:  January 12, 2013


Minutes from previous meeting were reviewed and approved.


Treasurer’s Report:

  1. Treasurers distributed copies of the January treasurer’s report, the December 31, 2012 bank statement, the final 2012 budget analysis.
  2. Bank statement balances and register balances were verified.
  3. Past Due Report was reviewed and discussed.
  4. Carry-forward funds (allocated for fence replacement and detention system maintenance) were discussed.  A proposal was made to transfer these funds from checking to savings.  This proposal passed unanimously.


2013 Budget:

  1. A budget worksheet was distributed to all members.  This included the totals from the Budget Analysis  for 2008 through 2012.
  2. Individual line items were discussed, and amounts adjusted.
  3. A proposal was made to accept the revised budget.  This proposal passed unanimously.
  4. A proposal was made to have the annual HOA dues remain at $250.00 for 2013.  This proposal passed unanimously.


2013 Dues:

  1.  The treasurer will prepare a 2013 dues letter and mail them.
  2. A proposal was made to authorize the treasurer to purchase stamps and office supplies for this mailing.  The proposal passed unanimously.


2013 Projects:

  1. A tree near at the entrance to Division 4 is damaging the side walk.  The sidewalk is the property of Snohomish County.  While the tree has been removed, the stump remains.  It is proposed that the association look into removal of the stump and resetting the sidewalk.  Snohomish County needs to be contacted.
  2. While trees on the Division 2 side of Picnic Point Rd have been removed, the trees and brush in front of the detention pond remain.  Clean-up of this area was discussed.
  3. Entry to Division 1 has grass growing over the sidewalk and needs to be trimmed.
  4. Cul-de-sacs in Divisions 1, 2, and 4 have areas that are not being maintained by the homeowners.  Cleanup of these areas was discussed.
  5. It is priority that we re-establish our website.  It is proposed that the former webmaster be contacted for details on site and domain name.
  6. It was proposed that a newsletter be composed and distributed.  This will be discussed further at the next meeting.
  7. It is proposed that a new Five-Year Plan be adopted.  This will be the focus in one of the upcoming meetings.


2013 Meetings:

  1.  Potential meeting dates for the year were discussed.  Members will be notified of the dates.