
January 2013 Budget Meeting Minutes

Location:  Mukilteo City Hall

Date:  January 12, 2013


Minutes from previous meeting were reviewed and approved.


Treasurer’s Report:

  1. Treasurers distributed copies of the January treasurer’s report, the December 31, 2012 bank statement, the final 2012 budget analysis.
  2. Bank statement balances and register balances were verified.
  3. Past Due Report was reviewed and discussed.
  4. Carry-forward funds (allocated for fence replacement and detention system maintenance) were discussed.  A proposal was made to transfer these funds from checking to savings.  This proposal passed unanimously.


2013 Budget:

  1. A budget worksheet was distributed to all members.  This included the totals from the Budget Analysis  for 2008 through 2012.
  2. Individual line items were discussed, and amounts adjusted.
  3. A proposal was made to accept the revised budget.  This proposal passed unanimously.
  4. A proposal was made to have the annual HOA dues remain at $250.00 for 2013.  This proposal passed unanimously.


2013 Dues:

  1.  The treasurer will prepare a 2013 dues letter and mail them.
  2. A proposal was made to authorize the treasurer to purchase stamps and office supplies for this mailing.  The proposal passed unanimously.


2013 Projects:

  1. A tree near at the entrance to Division 4 is damaging the side walk.  The sidewalk is the property of Snohomish County.  While the tree has been removed, the stump remains.  It is proposed that the association look into removal of the stump and resetting the sidewalk.  Snohomish County needs to be contacted.
  2. While trees on the Division 2 side of Picnic Point Rd have been removed, the trees and brush in front of the detention pond remain.  Clean-up of this area was discussed.
  3. Entry to Division 1 has grass growing over the sidewalk and needs to be trimmed.
  4. Cul-de-sacs in Divisions 1, 2, and 4 have areas that are not being maintained by the homeowners.  Cleanup of these areas was discussed.
  5. It is priority that we re-establish our website.  It is proposed that the former webmaster be contacted for details on site and domain name.
  6. It was proposed that a newsletter be composed and distributed.  This will be discussed further at the next meeting.
  7. It is proposed that a new Five-Year Plan be adopted.  This will be the focus in one of the upcoming meetings.


2013 Meetings:

  1.  Potential meeting dates for the year were discussed.  Members will be notified of the dates.