
April 2019 Board Meeting

Date: April 11, 2019

Location: Mukilteo City Hall, Community Meeting Room

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by the board president. The president distributed copies of the meeting agenda which was reviewed and accepted as written. The vice-president had sent out the minutes from the January meeting. These were also approved as written. The president then opened the Homeowner Forum, but no homeowners asked to speak.


  1. President: No new issues to report on the new development. Members discussed the proposal before the county council to reduce from three weeks to one week the time period for citizens to comment on new developments. Unfortunately, few homeowners would ever be able to review and voice any opposition given only a seven day window.
  2. Treasurer: The Treasurer distributed copes of the April treasurer’s report, the March bank statement, and the 2019 budget comparison. The board president confirmed that the register amounts coincided with the adjusted amounts on the report. The treasurer reported on the 2019 dues that had been received and deposited from homeowners. In addition, the treasurer reported on the number of passed due homeowners that are now current. The treasurer also passed around a spread sheet that compared the total number of dues payments received each month over the passed twelve years. The past due report was examined and commented by the board.
  3. Landscaping Committee: The landscaping committee reported that they will be staying with the current landscaping companies. Currently, one company handles the mowing of the grass on the common areas, while a second company handles the maintenance on the stair, the detention pond, and the entranceways. It was suggested that members keep a log on the days that work is being done.
  4. Architectural Control Committee: The committee reported that they had not received any new applications. Members are continuing to work on updating the ACC documents. Committee reported that they had not received any new applications.
  5. Arborist Committee: Committee commented on a number of dead trees noted on or near one of the common areas. It was suggested that we may need to survey the property in order to determine who is responsible for these trees. The committee will research the cost and feasibility.

Action Items:

  1. 2019 Dues Lettters: The 2019 REHOA dues letters were sent out on January 23, 2019, with a due date of April 30, 2019. Personalized letters were sent out to any homeowner who still owed any dues from previous years. All homeowners also received a copy of their individual ledger account.
  2. 2018 REHOA Taxes: The REHOA treasurer met with our tax advisor on February 9th, and the 2018 federal taxes were filed the same day. The association does not owe any taxes. Electronic copies of the association taxes have been added to the REHOA files.
  3. Audit: While meeting with our tax advisor, the treasurer inquired about her availability to perform a review of our books. She indicated that she is booked solid up through the tax season. However, she should be available in June or July.
  4. Website: Our website hosting, domain name registration, and private domain registration were all renewed in January. The association also added website back-up. The next day, the association received an email documenting the end to our free email service. Since the association has extensive amounts of saved data associated with the account, it was agreed that the HOA would continue with our current account. In February, an SSL certificate was added to our website. Finally, our version of WordPress was also updated. This resulted in some minor changes to the organization of the REHOA site.
  5. Liens: Board reviewed the association accounts and discussed the costs and procedures for placing a lien against members who allow their account to remain past due. Liens are authorized by the association CC&Rs and have been placed in the past. The board is going to contact the REHOA attorney and confirm that the correct procedures are being followed.

New Business:

  1. Website: Website administrator will grant access and rights to the current REHOA presiden
  2. Authorized Signers on REHOA Accounts: Treasurer will send the necessary forms to the board members who have volunteered.
  3. Reminder Notices: Board members discussed the option to send reminder notices to homeowners. It was decided that notices would be sent in June to any homeowners who continue to be in arrears.

Review of Action Items:

  1. Granting access to REHOA website for the president.
  2. Sending forms to new and current signers.
  3. Revise wording on architectural control documents.
  4. Search for a company to perform a survey.

Next Meeting: June 20, 2019

Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.