
February 2022 Board Meeting

Date: February 17, 2022

Location: via online Zoom

Members in attendance:

            -President attended

            -Treasurer attended

            -Secretary attended

            -Agricultural Committee attended

            -Bruce and Beverly Droppelman

            -Charles Lawrence

Meeting called to order at 7:00pm

Review & Approve Minutes: Need to have somebody motion and 2nd the motion

Review & Approve Agenda: Motion by Diane and need 2nd the motion

Member Forum:

                   Board addressed homeowner Charles who volunteered to help and be an active member of REHOA.


  • Treasurer:
  • President verified that the checking and savings match the treasurer’s report.
  • Received dues payment from 23 homeowners.
  • Payments made in January 2022 to lawyers, website, email and landscaping.
  • Landscaping Committee:
  • February expense of close to $1000 includes painted Regatta entry sign and replaced pegs due old/rotten post on Division1 and 4.  This includes labor as well as cleanup of leaves around Regatta and the cleaning of stairs in Division 4 which usually has full of moss (done 2x a year).  Next paint job is the Division 3 entry sign. 
  • Architectural Control Committee
  • Lot 3 requested fence replacement and was approved.  When done, Regatta will reimburse half of the total less their past due on HOA dues.
  • Arborist Committee:
  • The same guy who previously cut trees in the Picnic Point Road owned by Regatta came back in the late January and saying that he has authorization/approval from somewhere and again this is not true.  He was told to leave. 
  • Secretary
    • HOA dues mailed week of 1/17/2022
    • Need to respond to email ASAP and acknowledge receipt to making aware that request will be forwarded to person responsible and will respond appropriately.
    • Email to forward to appropriate Board and/or Committee who is responsible then send a follow-up text.

Old Business

  • Architectural Committee will work updating the fence policy
    • Remaining 7 diseased/dangerous/hazardous trees approved by Arborist will be cut next year (2023).
    • President still at works with BECU on updating the signers. 
    • Regatta website where the “contact us” needs to be fixed

New Business

  • Welcome letter to send to new homeowners.
    • Cleanup of common area in Regatta 2; proposed a major cleanup of junipers that were hanging or extending over the road.   
    • Frognal/Lennar lawsuits – Regatta filed a lawsuit against Lennar regarding the retaining wall constructed in Division 1 which were not in accordance to the one approved by the Hearing Examiner’s decision as well as the Snohomish County Planning and Development.  There might be an article in the Mukilteo Herald on it.  Lawsuit is still pending.
    • Winter weather proposal/ideas on roads inside Regatta – will review and look for possible solution(s)

Review of Action Items

  • Casey/Dave
    • Consolidate and rewrite fence policy
  • Dave       
    • Visit BECU to update/add signer
  • Diane/Nerissa
    • Work to send welcome letter

Next Meeting



            The meeting was adjourned at 8:20pm


October 2021 Board Meeting

Date: October 28, 2021

Location: Virtual Meeting, held online via Zoom

Time: 6:30 p.m.

The REHOA board president opened the Zoom meeting room at 6:25 p.m. and members signed in. The president called the meeting to order and shared his screen containing the meeting agenda. The minutes from the June meeting had been previously distributed by the Treasurer. The minutes were reviewed. No changes were deemed necessary, and they were accepted as written.

Homeowner ForumSix homeowners attended the meeting.  They expressed concern on Frognal constructions and activities.  The president introduced the other new board/committee members and gave a brief description of the duties of each, as well as the issues confronting the HOA. He also extended an invitation to the members to join the board in whatever role in which they would feel comfortable.


  1. Treasurer’s Report – The Treasurer had sent all board members copies of the September Treasurer’s Report, the corresponding bank statement, the 2021 Budget Comparison, and scan copies of the check book and savings book register. The president confirmed that the amounts shown in the registers coincided with the amounts shown on the Treasurer’s report. The Treasurer indicates on the 2021 Budget Comparison, the number of homeowners in the HOA, and the number of dues payments received. Friendly reminder notices had been sent to these homeowners.
  2. Landscaping Report – Committee Reported that the HOA landscaper mowed the common area grass areas in June, including the area above the detention pond. Landscaper also cleaned the stairs in Division 4.
  3. Architectural Control Committee Report – The requested for exterior paints and roof/sidings replacements by several homeowners were finished and done.  Reiterated the need for homeowners to have their neighbors sign the document needed (found in the website or given a copy) for any exterior painting, roof or siding replacements in order to be aware on the timing, activity and people coming in and out of the area. 
  4. Arborist Committee Report – There were several trees cut down/removed in the of Summer 2021 owned by Regatta that were stated in the NW Arborist study as deemed hazardous.
  5. Secretary’s Report – Helped prepared postcards and set up board meetings.  Sent requested bylaws to realtor regarding on sale for Lot42.  Realtor then found out in the web and pull this information.

Website – The website administrator updated the front page of the site.  It now has the Annual HOA meeting notice, information on the tree thieves and the request for HOA contact information updates.  Also, requesting ideas on the possible new format and information to include on the site. 

Action Items

  1. President will work on contacting Lennar developer for parking issues in Division 4.
  2. President will contact Bill L for information on the areas that were being planned for the Frognal development and retention pond.
  3. Agricultural Committee will work to consolidate the fence policy per the 2019 updates to the ACC documents.
  4. Treasurer will continue to work on updating banking information.

Next Meeting: Mid November to discuss 2022 Budget

Meeting Adjourned: 8:41P.M.


ACC Application Form


Fireworks Are Banned in SW Snohomish County

Effective January 1, 2021, the use of consumer fireworks is banned in unincorporated areas of Southwest Snohomish County.  We reside in unincorporated Snohomish County and our area is covered by this ban.

According to the recent letter from Fire Commissioner Chris Teofilak, there is now a $500.00 penalty for a civil infraction and the possibility of court-ordered restitution for any damages.

To report a violation, Do Not Call 911.  Call the non-emergency number:  425-407-3999.  When calling, please expect to be placed on hold until the emergency operator is available.


June 2021 Board Meeting

Date: June 17, 2021

Location: Online via Zoom

Time: 6:30 p.m.

The REHOA board president opened the Zoom meeting room at 6:25 p.m. and members signed in. Two devoted residents interrupted their Hawaiian vacation to attend. The president called the meeting to order, and shared his screen containing the meeting agenda. The minutes from the April meeting had been previously distributed by the acting secretary. The minutes were reviewed. No changes were deemed necessary, and they were accepted as written.

Homeowner Forum: The two homeowners who took time from their Hawaiian vacation to attend mentioned that they have been trying to find time to get involved and hope to do so in the future. The president introduced the other board members and gave a brief description of the duties of each, as well as the issues confronting the HOA. He also extended an invitation to the members to join the board is whatever role in which they would feel conformable.


  1. Treasurer’s Report – The Treasurer had sent all board members copies of the June Treasurer’s Report, the May 31 bank statement, the 2021 Budget Comparison, and scans of the check book and savings book register. The vice-president confirmed that the amounts shown in the registers coincided with the amounts shown on the Treasurer’s report. The Treasurer shared his screen with the 2021 Budget Comparison and highlighted some of the numbers, including the number of homeowners in the HOA, and the number of dues payments received. Friendly reminder notices had been sent to all of these homeowners. The treasurer also confirmed that our current revenue was adequate to cover all the expenses that we should see for the remainder of 2021.
  2. Landscaping Report – Committee Reported that the HOA landscaper is dues to mow the common area grass areas in June, including the area above the detention pond. Landscaper also cleaned the stairs in Divison 4.
  3. Architectural Control Committee Report – Committee has received two painting and one re-roofing requests from homeonwers in April and May.
  4. Arborist Committee Report – Committee commented about the WH/NGPA areas that is included in the legal description for each lot in our association. Each of the homeowners has an “undivided interest” in these tracts and is legally liable for their care and maintenance, including the removal of trees that may be deemed hazardous. A certified arborist had reviewed the areas in October of 2020, and the licensed tree service has removed trees that were deemed hazardous and within sticking distance of a high value target. Committee is also going to contact the PUD concerning two dead trees on Tract 997 that could not be removed by the tree service.
  5. Secretary’s Report – Acting secretary reported that several homeowners have decided that now was the time to pain their homes and she has been busy forwarding ACC requests. She also expressed some disappointment since she had been contacted by several homeowners who expressed a desire to be included in the meeting. However, only a couple of homeowners actually were able to attend.

Old Business

  1. Banking – In order to prevent any single individual from have access to the HOA funds, the association has always wanted to have dual control on the accounts, i.e. one person (the treasurer) holds the checkbook and creates the checks, but it requires a second person (an authorized signer) to actually sign the check. The HOA is attempting to update the signer’s list. However, our bank has insisted that all parties involved (including those who no longer live in the area) are required to supply all their personal information before any changes can be make. Since some of the former signers are now living overseas, that is not practical. Two options are open: 1. Close the current accounts and re-open them at the same bank. 2. Close the current accounts and re-open them at a new bank. We have enough checks to last through the end of the year, but the board is plamning to do one of these two options during the slack period in the fourth quarter of this year.
  2. Audit – Our tax person, Ann F., had said that she would be available to perform the audit in August. The HOA treasurer plans to print out the necessary documents to perform an audit on 2019 and 2020, and schedule an appointment with her. The treasurer also pointed out that we are required to supply hard copies (paper) of all documents since the tax service will not upload any electronic documents into their system, for fear of contracting a computer virus.
  3. Architectural Control Documents – Committee is re-writing documents with the changes that were approved in 2019. Two of the homeowners asked that an explanation be included that specifies who is responsible for the payment on fence replacement, especially for fences between two neighboring members. A new category has been added to the website that will allow for the updated documents to be published to the site.
  4. Travel Trailer – The CC&Rs prohibit RV’s, travel trailers, trailers of any sort in the view of any homeowners. The homeowners insists that since he has put a cover over the trailer, it is no longer in view. The board disagrees and is going to check with the HOA attorney to see if the homeowner is in violation of any county laws.

New Business

  1. Letter from Surface Water Management – A letter was sent to all homeowners in April that outlined work to be performed by Snohomish County on the detention pond and drainage system. A concern was raised asking if the surface water from the new development was going to be directed into the existing Regatta Estates system. During the peak rain season, the detention pond has been filled to over-flowing. It may not be adequate to accept any additions flow. It was suggested that we contact Bill L. for clarification.
  2. Letter from Sno County to B. Lider – The letter referenced Tract 995 and Tract 996 as being areas that may be used by the new development. A board member expressed some concern that they may be building on REHOA property, and that we may be left to take care of any residual issues. Or are there two tracts with the same numbers. Again, it was suggested that we contact Bill L for more information.
  3. Parking on front lawn– Homeowner complained about a neighbor who is parking several vehicles in the street, and has taken to parking a car on their front lawn. Homeowners also complained about the resident of this home re-selling used plastic play equipment from the home. Homeowners also reported that people (who have been buying the equipment) tend to block the street and become aggressive when they are asked to move. President explained that the board had sent letters to this homeowner in the past but with little results. President also expressed frustration with the apparent disregard that this homeowner has shown for his neighbors. Neighbors have also mentioned that the owner may no longer be in residence at that location. If that is the case, it may be difficult to contact the owners since this is the only address that we have for them.
  4. Fireworks – Two homeowners reported that their homes were damaged last year when neighbors lit off fireworks on the 4th of July. The parties responsible for the damage did not offer to pay for the repairs. Board members attempted to research the current laws regarding fireworks in un-incorporated Snohomish County. Initial information indicated that fireworks may have been banned in our area starting in January of 2021. Board members agreed to look further into this. However, the board also agreed that the HOA does not have the authority to enforce the county laws. Online information included a special “non-emergency” phone number for reporting violations. The board president and vice-president agreed that posting this number would be helpful.

Action Items

  1. Vice President will contact Bill L for information on the areas that are being planned for the retention pond and as a recreation area.
  2. Treasurer will add information on the Fireworks Ban, including the non-emergency phone number, to the website.
  3. President will work to consolidate the fence policy per the 2019 updates to the ACC documents.
  4. Treasurer will contact the lawyer regarding the homeowners with excessive number of vehicles, and the home with the trailer parked in the front yard.
  5. Treasurer will continue work on updating banking.
  6. Treasurer will prepare documents for audit.

Next Meeting: Thursday, August 19, 2021, set to start at 6:30 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned: 7:26 P.M.


September Board Meeting

The next meeting of the Board of Directors of the Regatta Estates Homeowners Association will be held on Thursday, Sept. 2, 2021, and will be called to order at 6:30 p.m.

Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, Mukilteo City Hall is closed and is no longer allowing groups to use their meeting rooms.  Instead of scheduling events at city hall, the Regatta Estates Board of Directors is now meeting online via Zoom.  All owners of homes in Regatta Estates are invited to attend these meetings.

If you are interested in attending, please email your name, home address, and your personal email address to the REHOA email account listed on the top of this page.   You can also use the “Contact Us” link on this page.  Once the board has verified that you are a member of the HOA, you will be emailed an invitation that will allow you to participate in the meeting.

At the beginning of each meeting, there will be a Homeowner Forum where homeowners are invited to address their concerns to the rest of their neighbors.

Date:  Sept. 2, 2021

Time:  6:30 p.m.


June 2021 Board Meeting

The next meeting of the Board of Directors of the Regatta Estates Homeowners Association will be held on Thursday, June 17, 2021, and will be called to order at 6:30 p.m.

Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, Mukilteo City Hall is closed and is no longer allowing groups to use their meeting rooms.  Instead of scheduling events at city hall, the Regatta Estates Board of Directors is now meeting online.  All owners of homes in Regatta Estates are invited to attend these meetings.

If you are interested in attending, please email your name, home address, and your personal email address to the REHOA email account listed on the top of this page.   You can also use the “Contact Us” link on this page.  Once the board has verified that you are a member of the HOA, you will be emailed an invitation that will allow you to participate in the meeting.

At the beginning of each meeting, there will be a Homeowner Forum where homeowners are invited to address their concerns to the rest of their neighbors.

Date:  June 17, 2021

Time:  6:30 p.m.


April 2021 Board Meeting

Date: April 15, 2021

Location: Online via Zoom

Time: 6:32 p.m.

The REHOA board president opened the Zoom meeting room and members signed in. One member experienced a slight technical issue signing into Zoom. This resulted in a slight delay. The board president called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. The minutes from the February meeting had been sent out by the board vice-president. No changes were needed and the minutes were accepted as written. The president had sent out the agenda for tonight’s meeting. No changes were requested and the agenda was also accepted as written.

Homeowner Forum: One homeowner expressed some concern about the maintenance of properties. They mentioned that lawns were growing out onto the sidewalks, and that ornamental trees were not being trimmed. A second homeowner commented about a large pile of cut trees that one homeowner had in their front yards. Both asked if the CC&Rs required homeowners to take responsibility for maintaining their properties.


  1. Treasurer’s Report – The Treasurer distributed copies of the April 15. 2021 Treasurer’s report, the March 31, 2021 bank statement, the 2021 Budget Comparison, and scans of the REHOA check book and savings book registers. The vice-president confirmed that the adjusted checking and savings account amounts in the treasurer’s report coincided with the amounts in the registers. The treasurer also distributed copies of the report on dues paid each month over the past decade. He pointed out the responses to the 2021 dues notice was running ahead of the number of responses in previous years. Treasurer asked if the board wished to authorize a “reminder letter” to be sent in May. The president suggested that we re-visit this in May via email and decide at that time.
  2. Landscaping Report – The HOA landscaper has started mowing the common areas. In addition, he is going to start mowing tract 993 every other month. The landscaper also commented that someone had chopped up several limbs and left a pile of wood on the grass planting strip near the entrance to Division 1. The landscape committee expressed frustration in that they are unable to get across to the homeowners that this is actually costing the HOA to pick it up, and it looks unsightly for weeks. One board member also asked that the landscaper be reminded to trim the lawn and the bottom of the stairs in Division 4
  3. Architectural Control Committee – The committee has only received one request over the past two months. This was for a roof replacement on Lot 10 in Division 1.
  4. Arborist Committee Report – Committee had received a request from Lot 10 in Divison 1 to remove some trees that had dropped limbs damaging their roof. A member of Arborist Committee met with the homeowner and obtained the name of the Lead Permit Technician at Snohomish County PDS who had given the homeowner the go-ahead to remove the trees. The committee emailed this permit manager with the most recent arborist report. However, to date, the committee has received no response to our email. After waiting for a month, the committee phoned the permit manager. and were told (verbally) that they (the PDS) does not give written permission. The committee is concerned the county code requires permission, and states that the county reserves the right to issue fines per tree and per occurrence. The committee would like something in writing, even something saying that the county does not issue written permission and that the arborist report is justification for removing hazardous tree. The committee requested permission to have the HOA attorney inquire on our behalf. This was approved by unanimous vote of the board.
  5. Secretary’s Report – The acting secretary reported that all the the emails from the Sno-King Watershed group to AWWD has been transferred into a separate folder in our email account. One board member suggested that, even though the development property appears to have been sold, we will want to hold onto the emails for legal reasons.

Old Business

  1. Signers for the HOA account – The HOA is having difficulty updating the signer’s list on the HOA accounts at our bank. Over the years, signers have moved away and/or sold their homes. The treasurer has been told what information the bank needed, and proceeded to obtain that info from the signers. However, when he met with the accounts person, he is told that he does not have all the info, and that additional info is required, or different form need to be completed. The bank requires all the info from the former signers, even those who are no longer in the county. There is a security issue with trying to transmit all the personal information via the internet from an overseas country. The options are to close all the accounts and then reopen them at the same bank, or close the accounts and open new accounts at a new bank. While the latter option sounds most appealing, the new banks have fees for monthly statements whereas the existing bank does not. The treasurer is going to continue to investigate this, but will use the current bank for the time being.

New Business

  1. Trailer parked in front yard – A homeowner in Division 5 has parked a large trailer in his front yard for over a month. This is in direct violation of the CC&Rs. Board voted unanimously that the homeowner should be sent a letter listing the violation, quoting the CC&Rs, and telling the homeowner that he must move the trailer to an offsite location.
  2. Homeowner with cut trees in his front year – A homeowner in Divison 2 has cut down a couple of dozen trees and left them in his front yard. The CC&Rs state that “construction debris” must be removed within 6 months. The board also voted that this homeowner be sent a letter, explaining why they are in violation, and instructing the homeowner to clean up the debris.
  3. Poop in the common areas – Homeowners have complained about the number of dog owners who are not picking up after their canine pets. Board members are looking into the availability and costs of posting signs asking owners to “scoop the poop.”
  4. 2020 Federal Taxes – The treasurer met with our representative at H&R Advisors, completed the 2020 Federal taxes and these have been submitted before the April 15 deadline. The May 17 deadline was only for individual homeowners, not for coporations (and we are a corporations.
  5. 2021 Audit – The treasurer also discussed having our tax accountant perform a review on our accounts for 2019 and 2020. The last audit was performed in 2019. The board voted to forego the audit last year.

Action Items

  1. The Arborist Committee will continue to work with the county to obtain permission to remove the hazardous trees. With the Boards approval, they will check with the HOA attorney and see if he can assist.
  2. The treasurer will continue to investigate the best option for updating the signature list on the HOA accounts.
  3. The treasurer will assemble the necessary documentation for performing an audit on our accounts for 2019 and 2020.
  4. Scoop signs – board members will continue to research the available signs and posts.
  5. Board members will continue to work on updating the Architectural Controls.
  6. The secretary will compose a letter instructing the homeowner to move his trailer.
  7. The president will investigate the tree trunks that are littering the one home.

Next meeting: Thursday, June 17th, also at 6:30 p.m.

Meeting adjourned at 7:07 p.m.


Construction at Treatment Plant

Alderwood Water and Wastewater announced plans to begin preliminary work at the Picnic Point Treatment Plant.  The work will start around February 22, 2021 with some drilling and  preliminary soil testing in preparation for the construction of an Equalization Basin.  The Equalization Basin is expected to be located at the uphill end of the existing plant.

Actual construction is planned to begin in late spring of 2022, and is anticipated to last for about 18 months.  Initial design plans are for the buildings to closely match the design of the existing treatment plant.

If you have any questions, you can email the district directly at [email protected], or call Josiah Hartom at 425-741-7969.  There will also be monthly updates on the website:  https//


April 2021 Board Meeting

The next meeting of the Board of Directors of the Regatta Estates Homeowners Association will be held on Thursday, April 15, 2021, and will be called to order at 6:30 p.m.

Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, Mukilteo City Hall is closed and is no longer allowing groups to use their meeting rooms.  Instead of scheduling events at city hall, the Regatta Estates Board of Directors is now meeting online.  All owners of homes in Regatta Estates are invited to attend these meetings.

If you are interested in attending, please email your name, home address, and your personal email address to the REHOA email account listed on the top of this page.   You can also use the “Contact Us” link on this page.  Once the board has verified that you are a member of the HOA, you will be emailed a invitation that will allow you to participate in the meeting.

At the beginning of each meeting, there will be a Homeowner Forum where homeowners are invited to address their concerns to the rest of their neighbors.

Date:  April 15, 2021

Time:  6:30 p.m.