
Home and Vehicle Burglaries

Over the weekend of May 9-11, two REHOA members had the emblems stolen off their vehicles while parked at their residences.  This comes immediately after a daytime break-in and robbery of a third residence in Regatta Estates.

REHOA members are asked to be on the lookout for suspicious cars and/or persons in our neighborhoods.  Please report suspicious activity to the Snohomish County Sheriff via 911.  Be sure to write down descriptions of the person and/or vehicles (make, model, color, license #, etc) and provide this when you call.

For more information on reporting suspicious activity, please review the Block Watch article to the right, or click on the News tab above and read the article dated January 29th


Road Construction Nearly Completed

The sewer replacement leading past Regatta Estates was completed in early April.  In addition, the major street widening project on 52nd Ave West (from 148th to 168th) has been wrapped up.  However, the replacement of the sewer pipe at the top of Picnic Point Rd (from 52nd Avenue to 140th) will continue to disrupt traffic for the next few weeks.  The construction will require closure of one-lane during work hours.  Please continue to plan for delays and pay attention to the directions from the traffic flaggers.


Block Watch – Reporting Suspicious Activity

A few years ago, we contacted the Snohomish County Sheriff Department regarding their Block Watch program.  Members of Regatta Estates inquired as to how we can assist them in maintaining the security and safety of our neighboorhood.  Due to the large area they cover, the Sheriff’s patrol vehicles are not constantly on our streets, and they depend upon us to be their eyes and ears.  One of the best ways to do this was via the block watch program.  Merely observe what is going on in your neighborhood, and report any suspicious activity.

What qualifies as Suspicious Activity?

  • Persons loitering around your neighborhood;
  • Screams or suspicious sounds;
  • Sounds of breaking glass or shattering wood;
  • Anyone removing valuables from homes or vehicles;
  • Strange vehicles parked at your neighbor’s home or anywhere within your      neighborhood;
  • Persons going door to door;
  • Beam from flashlights or strange lights in your neighbor’s home;
  • Unrecognized vehicles cruising your neighborhood;
  • Anyone being forced into a home or vehicle;
  • Abandoned vehicles


  1. Record make, model, color and license plate number of any associated vehicles;
  2. Write down the description of any suspects;





  1. STAY CALM – speak slowly and clearly;
  2. State what you are reporting (theft, burglary, life threatening injury, etc.).  Indicate if the situation is “in progress”;
  3. Give exact location where the incident is located (street number, directions if necessary);
  4. Give your name and name(s) of any victims, and types of injuries.  Provide your telephone number;
  5. If a weapon is involved, provide the weapon type (knife, gun, etc.);
  6. Describe persons and vehicle(s) leaving the scene and direction of travel;
  • For Suspects – describe race, height, weight & clothing
  • For Vehicles – provide license plate number, make, model, color, year (if possible)

7.    Stay on the phone until the 9-1-1 call taker is finished asking questions


January 2014 Budget Meeting

Date:  January 11, 2013

Location:  Mukilteo City Hall





Treasurer’s Report:

  1. Treasurers distributed copies of the December 31, 2013 bank statements, the January treasurer’s report, and the comparative analysis form.
  2. Checking and Savings account registers were checked and confirmed to the be same as the bank statements.
  3. HOA documention requires a periodic audit of accounts by an outside CPA.  This was last done on November 8, 2006.  Treasurers have contacted a firm.


Financial Statement:

  1. Treasurers report that they are often asked for a financial statement.  These requests are made by insurance companies, the Secretary of State, Real Estate agents, and contractors.  However, the REHOA has never prepared one.
  2. Treasurers distributed copies of report and proceeded to explain what it is, and what it indicates that we need to improve on.


2014 Budget

  1. Treasurers distributed copies of the 2014 Budget Worksheet.
  2. Several line items were rolled over from 2013, and do not need additional funds in 2014.
  3. Insurance for Common Areas, Mail Box Rental, Incorporation fee, Office Supplies, Mailings, Meetings, Website fee were expected to remain the same.  At the time of the meeting, no increases had been announced.  However, treasurers reminded everyone that we often receive announcements of  increases only just before time the next payment is due.
  4. Treasurers discussed the amount needed Fence Replacement.  Since 2007, the REHOA has been assigning $7000 per year for this line item.  Funds not used in any particular year have been set aside for future use in a reserve fund.  While the REHOA still needs considerable funding for fence replacement, Treasurer’s proposed reducing this amount to $6000 for 2014 and future years.
  5. Maintenance of common areas commands the largest portion of the REHOA budget.  Rather than lump these projects into one large line item, the treasurers suggested that each be given it’s ownThese line items include:
    1. Entranceways – We currently employ a groundskeeper to clean the entranceways of all five division three times a year (Spring, late Summer, and pre-holiday.)
    2. Stairs – Clean up of the stairs and weed-eating of area around the entire stair structure (top to bottom).
    3. Detention system –  In addition to maintenance of the detention pond, the association has an extensive underground system to maintain, including three vaults.  One is located on tract 988 (division 4), and two are located on tract 994 (division 1).  These are quite large, measuring 128” by 83”, and are 97, 99, and 101 feet in length.  The county has mandated that we clean the inside of these vaults and remove any “spoils” from the downstream catch-basins.
  6. Treasurers explained how increases in the budget would be reflected in the annual dues.
  7. Homeowners discussed budget and made suggestions.
  8. Budget was reviewed, and an increase of $25.00 per homeowner was recommended.



Picnic Point Road Construction – Plan for Delays

The Alderwood Water and Wastewater District is in the process of replacing the sewer under Picnic Point Road from Division 5 down to the Waste Water Treatment Facility below Division 1.


The project will include both conventional open cut and trenchless construction, and is expected to continue until at least June of 2014.  During this time, we can expect that portions of Picnic Point Rd will be restricted to a single lane.  Please pay attention to the flaggers and plan for delays.


2014 Sewer Construction

The Alderwood Water & Wastewater District has announce that, beginning in January of 2014, work will continue on the replacement of the sewer on Picnic Point Road from Division 5 down to the Picnic Point Treatment Facility (below Division 1).  The work will include both open cut and trenchless replacement.

The majority of the work should be completed in June of 2014.  Some lane closures along Picnic Point Road and on 140th Street SW will be necessary while the replacement work is underway.  This will result in traffic delays.  Please plan accordingly.


December 2013 Board Meeting


Location:  Online

Date:  12-14-13



Minutes from the November General Meeting were reviewed and approved.  No additions, deletions or edits required.


Old Business:


Treasurer’s Report 

  1. Copies of the December treasurer’s report, the November bank statement and the budget analysis statement were distributed and reviewed.  The end of year budget status was discussed, including recommendations for 2014 budget.
  2. Treasurer announced that the HOA should only expect one more invoice for the year, for the final entranceway clean-up.
  3. Treasurer discussed status of 2013 dues, and outlined plans for personal 2014 dues letters to any members who are behind.  These letters would include notice that the homeowner is being charged a late fee and interest on the 2013 dues.
  4. Treasurer reviewed Business Relationship Change Form from bank, including steps needed to add board member-at-large as an authorized signer.



New Business:


Landscaping Report

  1. Association e-mail account received a request from homeowner at Lot #62 regarding a safety issue.  Drivers exiting Division 4 are experiencing difficulty is seeing traffic on Picnic Point Rd.  He requested that we have our “crew” move some of the plants near the sign the entranceway.  After inspecting the plants, it was determined that these were too large to transplant, and they were pruned or totally removed.
  2. Homeowner in Lot #65 reported a tree had fallen from Lot #1 across 58th Place West.  While no one was injured, the homeowner noted that a delivery person had moved just seconds before the tree fell.  The homeowner did experience significant losses:  his pickup truck to totally destroyed, and his car received extensive damage.  Examination of the fallen tree showed that it uprooted.  Previously, a certified arborist had examined the trees in our area, and indicated that they suffered from poor root development, structural flaws, and poor canopy size.  All of these problems increase the probability for failure.  There was a general agreement fro continued maintenance of the trees on HOA common areas.


Enforcement of CC&Rs

  1. We have received complaints regarding homeowners parking of trailers in driveways.  This is in violation of Article III, section 3.6, of the REHOA CC&Rs.  Homeowner has complained that failure to enforce the CC&Rs can significantly affect the sale of a home.  Letters have been sent to homeowners in the past.  While one homeowner temporarily moved a trailer, they have now moved the trailer back into their driveway.  A new homeowner (who recently moved in across the street) is now also parking a trailer in their driveway.  The CC&Rs mentions only arbitration as a means to resolve issues.  It is suggested that the association lawyer be contacted regarding this issue.  He previously suggested that we send letters.  However, this has be proven to be ineffective.


2014 Budget Meeting

  1. At the General Meeting, the date for the 2014 Budget Meeting was set for January 11, 2014.  The community room at the Mukilteo City Hall has been reserved.  (Note:  The community room is the smaller conference room located directly in front as you enter the building.)


Action Items:

  1. Landscaping issues, including outsourcing the mowing.  Landscaping committee will meet with HOA landscaper to get set up schedule and get an estimate for the budget meeting.
  2. Treasurers will solicit estimates for an audit of REHOA accounts.
  3. Treasurers will solicit bids for hiring a private management company.
  4. Board member will contact layer regarding violation of CC&Rs, bylaws, and architectural standards.
  5. Treasurers will submit form for updating the authorized signers for the REHOA accounts.
  6. 2013 expenses, 2014 budget, and 2-14 REHOA dues.
  7. Printing and mailing 2014 dues
  8. Printing and mailing personalized 2014 dues notices form homeowners who are behind in payments.






2014 Budget Meeting

The 2014 Budget Meeting for the Regatta Estates Homeowners Association will be held on Saturday, January 11, at the Mukilteo City Hall.  We will be reviewing the budget analysis statements for the past three years, planning special projects for the year, and setting the 2014 REHOA dues.

Please mark your calendar and plan to attend.

Where:  Mukilteo City Hall              11930 Cyrus Way               Mukilteo, WA  98275

When:    Saturday, Janaury 11                9:00 A.M.


November 2013 General Meeting Minutes

Date:  November 23, 2013

Location:  Mukilteo City Hall


The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. A welcome was extended to all Regatta Estates HOA members, especially to those who are new to the community. A special “Thank you” was also expressed to the long-time board members who moved during 2013. Their efforts were greatly appreciated and they will be missed. Current board members were also introduced, and an invitation was given for additional members to join the board.

The common areas and financial responsibilities were reviewed with the discussion centering on the legal description of individual REHOA property. When looking at their property deed, members will see the following: Regatta Estates Blk 000 D-00 Lot (their member number) TGW Und Int Trs 986-990 & 992-997. While the first portion outlines the location of a particular property or lot number, the second half states that, as a property owner in Regatta Estates, members have an undivided interest and responsibility for these common areas. As long as a homeowner has property in Regatta Estates, he has a legal responsibility to help maintain and repair these (common) tracts. The plat maps for Regatta Estates were displayed, along with the plan dedications and descriptions. Members expressed their amazement at the number and size of these common areas.

The discussion continued with financial obligations associated with these common areas, as well as the obligations outline in the CC&Rs. One item mentioned in this document is the replacement of fences that boarder Picnic Point Rd. Article III, section 3.4 of the CC&Rs states that homeowners with lots abutting Picnic Point Road share responsibility with the homeowners association for the maintenance and repair of these fences. There are 35 properties that have such fences. Using current replacement costs, the financial obligation of the association for these fences is estimated to be in excess of $45,000. While some homeowners have already replaced their fences, it is up to the individual homeowner to determine when their elect to replace that portion of the fence. Since 2007, funds have been set aside in the HOA budget to cover the association’s portion. The style and construction requirements are outlined in the documents posted on the association website.

The second obligation discussed was the extensive work centering on the detention pond and the associated structures. The association has received a notice from the Snohomish County Public Works Department directing us to repair or perform maintenance on 30 specific points. It also pointed out three very large underground structures on HOA common areas that we must maintain. A member who has experience with detention ponds has been assisting the board in planning the repairs and documenting our expenses.

A third area of concern involves a bill that passed the Washington State Senate in 2008, requiring that associations review financial obligations and set aside reserves to cover future needs. While this bill is directed at condominium associations, it may also apply to homeowners associations. Members reviewed the current status of the association finances and discussed how we can meet future needs. However, it was pointed out that these HOA maintenance and repair obligations will always exist, and will never be totally completed.

The accomplishments for 2013 were reviewed. Using the free Wi-Fi available at Mukilteo City Hall, the new website was shown. In addition to making association documents (CC&Rs, Bylaws, Architectural Standards, Fencing Policy) available for download, the site has links to government and utility sites, a section for meeting notes and news, and a “Contact us” link for sending e-mails.

The five-year plan was discussed, with emphasis on maintenance and repairs to the common areas and the detention pond. A report on the HOA lawnmower indicated that main support brackets for the mower deck have deteriorated to the point that the lawnmower will need extensive repairs or will need to be replaced. Concerns about the association liability were expressed. Together with the absence of additional volunteers led members to agree that this job will need to be outsourced in the future. The board agreed to contract a landscaper for this service.

During the open discussion, a member pointed out that a tree had recently fallen from the undeveloped Lot #1. This tree narrowly missed a delivery person, and did extensive damage to two vehicles. The homeowner tracked the ownership of the property and supplied paperwork from the county assessor site. It appears that the ownership has been transferred three or form times. However, the new owners appear to be a shell corporation, and all had the same address. While the homeowner’s insurance covered damage, it was suggested that our lawyer be contacted regarding future steps. It was pointed out that, since the homeowner’s association has openly opposed the development of this property (Lot #1), it is questionable whether the current owner will be open to requests that he perform maintenance on the property.

Other items discussed included the use of proxy voting, hiring of a HOA management firm, contacting a CPA to perform an audit of the HOA accounts, contacting Snohomish County regarding the uneven sidewalk in the school bus pickup area, and landscaping of Tract 987.

The date for the next meeting was set for January 11, 2014. This will also be held at the Mukilteo City Hall. The purpose of the meeting will be to set the 2014 budget and the 2014 annual dues.

Meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m.



October 2013 Board Meeting MInutes

Date:  October 10, 2013


Location:  Online



Treasurer’s Report:

  1. Distributed copies of the October treasurer’s report, the September 30 bank statement, and the comparative analysis report.
  2. Discussed the past due report and the friendly reminder notice that was sent in June.  It was pointed out that the same homeowners were late every year in paying their dues.  Board members voted to assess late fee and interest to members who have failed to pay dues.
  3. The late fee was set at $25.00 in motion adopted on 4/15/2004.
  4. Timetable for assessing late fee was set at 30 days past due.  This was established in motion adopted on 5/13/2004.
  5. Interest fee is set by the CC&Rs, Article IV, Section 4.4.1, and applies to any assessment not paid within 30 days of the written notification.
  6. Discussed placing a lien against the one property owner who is delinquent for multiple years.  The county fees and legal fees for filing and then later releasing a lien adds approximately $300.00 to the amount owed by the homeowner.  This amount is recovered during escrow when the home is sold.  Board members decided to put off filing a lien at this time, but reserved this option for future action against this homeowner.



Landscape Report


  1. Bids have been obtained for the removal of brush and trees on tract 990.  Board voted and approved to move forward with this work.
  2. Additional brush and tree removal will be needed for tracts 987, 992, 996, and 997.  Board will prioritize these projects based on need and funds available.
  3. Association landscaper will be contacted to perform final cleanup of the entryways, scheduled for late November or early December.
  4. HOA volunteer has reminded board of impending need for a replacement lawnmower.  Since current volunteer may be moving in the future, long term policy for handling grass strips along Picnic Point Road will need to be addressed.   Available options include finding a new volunteer and purchase of a new lawnmower, or hiring an outside company to handle this task.


Detention Pond Report

  1. The association is responsible for the maintenance of the detention pond and the related drainage structures.  These structures include three large underground vaults, measuring approximately 10 feet by 10 feet by 100 feet, and are located on tracts 988 and 994.
  2. The association has been contacted by the Snohomish County Department of Public Works, Surface Water Management Division.  In their letter, the county gave notice of 30 items that require maintenance and that are the responsibility of the Regatta Estates Homeowners Association.
  3. The association has taken performed a series of maintenance steps.  We are in the process of obtaining documentation from a hydraulic engineer outlining what has been done, and establishing some guidelines and direction for the future.  This documentation will be added to the association records, and made available to the county.


Annual Meeting Date

  1. The annual REHOA meeting has been set for Saturday, November 23rd.
  2. The association has reserved the community meeting room at Mukilteo City Hall for this date.
  3. The board voted funding to send out postcards to association members.
  4. Notice of the meeting will also be added to the association website.


Noise and Speeding on Picnic Point Road

  1. A concerned association member has been working with the supervisor of Traffic Operations to see if the county can install some form of traffic control to lessen the speeding and reckless driving on Picnic Point Road.
  2. In response, the county did place a portable speed monitoring device on the road.  While this device was only in place for a few days, drivers did slow down.
  3. County mentioned that it is important to keep arterials working efficiently, and not to force traffic off the grid.  As a result, a long term solution to the problem is still under review.


Filling Vacancy on Board

  1. Per REHOA bylaws, the board is authorized to elect or appoint a member to fill a vacancy on the board.
  2. The board has voted unanimously to extend an invitation to the association member was has been so active is seeking a solution to the noise and speeding problem.