
October 2013 Board Meeting MInutes

Date:  October 10, 2013


Location:  Online



Treasurer’s Report:

  1. Distributed copies of the October treasurer’s report, the September 30 bank statement, and the comparative analysis report.
  2. Discussed the past due report and the friendly reminder notice that was sent in June.  It was pointed out that the same homeowners were late every year in paying their dues.  Board members voted to assess late fee and interest to members who have failed to pay dues.
  3. The late fee was set at $25.00 in motion adopted on 4/15/2004.
  4. Timetable for assessing late fee was set at 30 days past due.  This was established in motion adopted on 5/13/2004.
  5. Interest fee is set by the CC&Rs, Article IV, Section 4.4.1, and applies to any assessment not paid within 30 days of the written notification.
  6. Discussed placing a lien against the one property owner who is delinquent for multiple years.  The county fees and legal fees for filing and then later releasing a lien adds approximately $300.00 to the amount owed by the homeowner.  This amount is recovered during escrow when the home is sold.  Board members decided to put off filing a lien at this time, but reserved this option for future action against this homeowner.



Landscape Report


  1. Bids have been obtained for the removal of brush and trees on tract 990.  Board voted and approved to move forward with this work.
  2. Additional brush and tree removal will be needed for tracts 987, 992, 996, and 997.  Board will prioritize these projects based on need and funds available.
  3. Association landscaper will be contacted to perform final cleanup of the entryways, scheduled for late November or early December.
  4. HOA volunteer has reminded board of impending need for a replacement lawnmower.  Since current volunteer may be moving in the future, long term policy for handling grass strips along Picnic Point Road will need to be addressed.   Available options include finding a new volunteer and purchase of a new lawnmower, or hiring an outside company to handle this task.


Detention Pond Report

  1. The association is responsible for the maintenance of the detention pond and the related drainage structures.  These structures include three large underground vaults, measuring approximately 10 feet by 10 feet by 100 feet, and are located on tracts 988 and 994.
  2. The association has been contacted by the Snohomish County Department of Public Works, Surface Water Management Division.  In their letter, the county gave notice of 30 items that require maintenance and that are the responsibility of the Regatta Estates Homeowners Association.
  3. The association has taken performed a series of maintenance steps.  We are in the process of obtaining documentation from a hydraulic engineer outlining what has been done, and establishing some guidelines and direction for the future.  This documentation will be added to the association records, and made available to the county.


Annual Meeting Date

  1. The annual REHOA meeting has been set for Saturday, November 23rd.
  2. The association has reserved the community meeting room at Mukilteo City Hall for this date.
  3. The board voted funding to send out postcards to association members.
  4. Notice of the meeting will also be added to the association website.


Noise and Speeding on Picnic Point Road

  1. A concerned association member has been working with the supervisor of Traffic Operations to see if the county can install some form of traffic control to lessen the speeding and reckless driving on Picnic Point Road.
  2. In response, the county did place a portable speed monitoring device on the road.  While this device was only in place for a few days, drivers did slow down.
  3. County mentioned that it is important to keep arterials working efficiently, and not to force traffic off the grid.  As a result, a long term solution to the problem is still under review.


Filling Vacancy on Board

  1. Per REHOA bylaws, the board is authorized to elect or appoint a member to fill a vacancy on the board.
  2. The board has voted unanimously to extend an invitation to the association member was has been so active is seeking a solution to the noise and speeding problem.