
December 2013 Board Meeting


Location:  Online

Date:  12-14-13



Minutes from the November General Meeting were reviewed and approved.  No additions, deletions or edits required.


Old Business:


Treasurer’s Report 

  1. Copies of the December treasurer’s report, the November bank statement and the budget analysis statement were distributed and reviewed.  The end of year budget status was discussed, including recommendations for 2014 budget.
  2. Treasurer announced that the HOA should only expect one more invoice for the year, for the final entranceway clean-up.
  3. Treasurer discussed status of 2013 dues, and outlined plans for personal 2014 dues letters to any members who are behind.  These letters would include notice that the homeowner is being charged a late fee and interest on the 2013 dues.
  4. Treasurer reviewed Business Relationship Change Form from bank, including steps needed to add board member-at-large as an authorized signer.



New Business:


Landscaping Report

  1. Association e-mail account received a request from homeowner at Lot #62 regarding a safety issue.  Drivers exiting Division 4 are experiencing difficulty is seeing traffic on Picnic Point Rd.  He requested that we have our “crew” move some of the plants near the sign the entranceway.  After inspecting the plants, it was determined that these were too large to transplant, and they were pruned or totally removed.
  2. Homeowner in Lot #65 reported a tree had fallen from Lot #1 across 58th Place West.  While no one was injured, the homeowner noted that a delivery person had moved just seconds before the tree fell.  The homeowner did experience significant losses:  his pickup truck to totally destroyed, and his car received extensive damage.  Examination of the fallen tree showed that it uprooted.  Previously, a certified arborist had examined the trees in our area, and indicated that they suffered from poor root development, structural flaws, and poor canopy size.  All of these problems increase the probability for failure.  There was a general agreement fro continued maintenance of the trees on HOA common areas.


Enforcement of CC&Rs

  1. We have received complaints regarding homeowners parking of trailers in driveways.  This is in violation of Article III, section 3.6, of the REHOA CC&Rs.  Homeowner has complained that failure to enforce the CC&Rs can significantly affect the sale of a home.  Letters have been sent to homeowners in the past.  While one homeowner temporarily moved a trailer, they have now moved the trailer back into their driveway.  A new homeowner (who recently moved in across the street) is now also parking a trailer in their driveway.  The CC&Rs mentions only arbitration as a means to resolve issues.  It is suggested that the association lawyer be contacted regarding this issue.  He previously suggested that we send letters.  However, this has be proven to be ineffective.


2014 Budget Meeting

  1. At the General Meeting, the date for the 2014 Budget Meeting was set for January 11, 2014.  The community room at the Mukilteo City Hall has been reserved.  (Note:  The community room is the smaller conference room located directly in front as you enter the building.)


Action Items:

  1. Landscaping issues, including outsourcing the mowing.  Landscaping committee will meet with HOA landscaper to get set up schedule and get an estimate for the budget meeting.
  2. Treasurers will solicit estimates for an audit of REHOA accounts.
  3. Treasurers will solicit bids for hiring a private management company.
  4. Board member will contact layer regarding violation of CC&Rs, bylaws, and architectural standards.
  5. Treasurers will submit form for updating the authorized signers for the REHOA accounts.
  6. 2013 expenses, 2014 budget, and 2-14 REHOA dues.
  7. Printing and mailing 2014 dues
  8. Printing and mailing personalized 2014 dues notices form homeowners who are behind in payments.