
Bexley Hearings Calendar

Regatta Estates filed its opening brief today in the Bexley Ridge Land Use Petition Act (LUPA) appeal.  The calendar of events is:

  • December 6, 2022—The County and Lennar must file their responses to our opening brief;
  • December 15, 2022—Regatta Estates must file their reply to the County’s and Lennar’s brief;
  • December 20, 2022, 9:30 am—Oral arguments will be heard by Mille Judge in Snohomish County Superior Court.

Snohomish County has essentially thumbed its nose at all those who provided input on the ill-advised Bexley Ridge project (formally known as Frognal Estates), when it secretly allowed the new developer Lennar to delete over 200-trees and construct a much cheaper wall that cannot sustain landscaping, let alone the evergreen trees that had been promised as a part of the Environmental Impact Statements (EIS’s).

We believe that we have a very strong case, hopefully the Judge will agree.

We are still looking for donations to help defray our legal costs.  A big thank you to all of you who donated, but we still need more to continue the fight.  If you have not already donated, please consider donating now.  Donations to support the Bexley Ridge legal expenses can be made through the Sno-King Watershed Council at:

100% of all donations received will go to help with legal expenses.

As before, Lider Engineering is providing its professional services pro bono.


William (Bill) Lider, PE, CESCL

Lider Engineering, PLLC

2526 – 205th Place SW

Lynnwood, WA 98036

425-776-0671 (W)

206-661-0787 (C)